[commit: ghc] master: Tabs -> spaces (and some other formatting) (4c93c8b)

Manuel Chakravarty chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
Wed Feb 6 04:16:53 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/ghc

On branch  : master



commit 4c93c8bac5a9ceccc53423811d5a1f8a09d55b13
Author: Manuel M T Chakravarty <chak at cse.unsw.edu.au>
Date:   Fri Aug 17 12:02:40 2012 +1000

    Tabs -> spaces (and some other formatting)


 compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Local.hs |  111 +++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Local.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Local.hs
index 4ead2f4..8b3c1dc 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Local.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Local.hs
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
+module Vectorise.Monad.Local 
+  ( readLEnv
+  , setLEnv
+  , updLEnv
+  , localV
+  , closedV
+  , getBindName
+  , inBind
+  , lookupTyVarPA
+  , defLocalTyVar
+  , defLocalTyVarWithPA
+  , localTyVars
+  )
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
---     http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
--- for details
-module Vectorise.Monad.Local ( 
-	readLEnv,
-	setLEnv,
-	updLEnv,
-	localV,
-	closedV,
-	getBindName,
-	inBind,
-	lookupTyVarPA,
-	defLocalTyVar,
-	defLocalTyVarWithPA,
-	localTyVars
-) where
 import Vectorise.Monad.Base
 import Vectorise.Env
@@ -29,77 +23,78 @@ import Var
 import FastString
 -- Local Environment ----------------------------------------------------------
--- | Project something from the local environment.
-readLEnv :: (LocalEnv -> a) -> VM a
-readLEnv f	= VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv (f lenv))
+-- |Project something from the local environment.
+readLEnv :: (LocalEnv -> a) -> VM a
+readLEnv f  = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv (f lenv))
--- | Set the local environment.
+-- |Set the local environment.
 setLEnv :: LocalEnv -> VM ()
-setLEnv lenv	= VM $ \_ genv _ -> return (Yes genv lenv ())
+setLEnv lenv  = VM $ \_ genv _ -> return (Yes genv lenv ())
--- | Update the enviroment using the provided function.
+-- |Update the enviroment using the provided function.
 updLEnv :: (LocalEnv -> LocalEnv) -> VM ()
-updLEnv f	= VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv (f lenv) ())
+updLEnv f  = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv (f lenv) ())
--- | Perform a computation in its own local environment.
---	This does not alter the environment of the current state.
+-- |Perform a computation in its own local environment.
+-- This does not alter the environment of the current state.
 localV :: VM a -> VM a
 localV p 
- = do	env <- readLEnv id
-	x   <- p
-	setLEnv env
-	return x
+ = do  env <- readLEnv id
+  x   <- p
+  setLEnv env
+  return x
--- | Perform a computation in an empty local environment.
+-- |Perform a computation in an empty local environment.
 closedV :: VM a -> VM a
 closedV p 
- = do	env <- readLEnv id
-	setLEnv (emptyLocalEnv { local_bind_name = local_bind_name env })
-	x   <- p
-	setLEnv env
-	return x
--- | Get the name of the local binding currently being vectorised.
+ = do  env <- readLEnv id
+  setLEnv (emptyLocalEnv { local_bind_name = local_bind_name env })
+  x   <- p
+  setLEnv env
+  return x
+-- |Get the name of the local binding currently being vectorised.
 getBindName :: VM FastString
 getBindName = readLEnv local_bind_name
--- | Run a vectorisation computation in a local environment, 
---   with this id set as the current binding.
+-- |Run a vectorisation computation in a local environment, 
+-- with this id set as the current binding.
 inBind :: Id -> VM a -> VM a
 inBind id p
   = do updLEnv $ \env -> env { local_bind_name = occNameFS (getOccName id) }
--- | Lookup a PA tyvars from the local environment.
+-- |Lookup a PA tyvars from the local environment.
 lookupTyVarPA :: Var -> VM (Maybe CoreExpr)
 lookupTyVarPA tv 
-	= readLEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (local_tyvar_pa env) tv
+  = readLEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (local_tyvar_pa env) tv
--- | Add a tyvar to the local environment.
+-- |Add a tyvar to the local environment.
 defLocalTyVar :: TyVar -> VM ()
 defLocalTyVar tv = updLEnv $ \env ->
   env { local_tyvars   = tv : local_tyvars env
       , local_tyvar_pa = local_tyvar_pa env `delVarEnv` tv
--- | Add mapping between a tyvar and pa dictionary to the local environment.
+-- |Add mapping between a tyvar and pa dictionary to the local environment.
 defLocalTyVarWithPA :: TyVar -> CoreExpr -> VM ()
 defLocalTyVarWithPA tv pa = updLEnv $ \env ->
   env { local_tyvars   = tv : local_tyvars env
       , local_tyvar_pa = extendVarEnv (local_tyvar_pa env) tv pa
--- | Get the set of tyvars from the local environment.
+-- |Get the set of tyvars from the local environment.
 localTyVars :: VM [TyVar]
 localTyVars = readLEnv (reverse . local_tyvars)

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