[commit: nofib] master: Removed some shootout benchmarks from under fibon (eb9f4a3)

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 00:51:38 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/nofib

On branch  : master



commit eb9f4a3ff7f3b24896534011717099c9d61e146d
Author: Johan Tibell <johan.tibell at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 5 15:50:23 2013 -0800

    Removed some shootout benchmarks from under fibon
    Newer versions (corresponding to what's currently on the shootout page)
    have been added under nofib/shootout in an attempt to make these easier
    to run.

 fibon/Shootout/BinaryTrees/BinaryTrees.stdout   |   10 -
 fibon/Shootout/BinaryTrees/LICENSE              |   30 -
 fibon/Shootout/BinaryTrees/Makefile             |    6 -
 fibon/Shootout/BinaryTrees/binarytrees.hs       |   63 --
 fibon/Shootout/Makefile                         |    3 +-
 fibon/Shootout/Nbody/LICENSE                    |   30 -
 fibon/Shootout/Nbody/Makefile                   |    6 -
 fibon/Shootout/Nbody/Nbody.stdout               |    2 -
 fibon/Shootout/Nbody/nbody.hs                   |  192 -----
 fibon/Shootout/Pidigits/LICENSE                 |   30 -
 fibon/Shootout/Pidigits/Makefile                |    6 -
 fibon/Shootout/Pidigits/Pidigits.stdout         | 1000 -----------------------
 fibon/Shootout/Pidigits/pidigits.hs             |   26 -
 fibon/Shootout/SpectralNorm/LICENSE             |   30 -
 fibon/Shootout/SpectralNorm/Makefile            |    6 -
 fibon/Shootout/SpectralNorm/SpectralNorm.stdout |    1 -
 fibon/Shootout/SpectralNorm/spectralnorm.hs     |   97 ---
 17 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1537 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git show eb9f4a3ff7f3b24896534011717099c9d61e146d

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