[commit: ghc] wip/better-ho-cardinality: Guarding against silly shifts (869f69f)

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Thu Dec 12 12:15:48 UTC 2013

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On branch  : wip/better-ho-cardinality
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/869f69fd4a78371c221e6d9abd69a71440a4679a/ghc


commit 869f69fd4a78371c221e6d9abd69a71440a4679a
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 11 18:19:34 2013 +0000

    Guarding against silly shifts
    This patch was authored by SPJ and extracted from "Improve the handling
    of used-once stuff" by Joachim.


 compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
index b6ded2e..11367ed 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
@@ -141,10 +141,8 @@ primOpRules nm OrOp        = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 (.|.))
 primOpRules nm XorOp       = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordOp2 xor)
                                                , identityDynFlags zerow
                                                , equalArgs >> retLit zerow ]
-primOpRules nm SllOp       = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordShiftOp2 Bits.shiftL)
-                                               , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
-primOpRules nm SrlOp       = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ binaryLit (wordShiftOp2 shiftRightLogical)
-                                               , rightIdentityDynFlags zeroi ]
+primOpRules nm SllOp       = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ wordShiftRule Bits.shiftL ]
+primOpRules nm SrlOp       = mkPrimOpRule nm 2 [ wordShiftRule shiftRightLogical ]
 -- coercions
 primOpRules nm Word2IntOp     = mkPrimOpRule nm 1 [ liftLitDynFlags word2IntLit
@@ -373,14 +371,25 @@ wordOp2 op dflags (MachWord w1) (MachWord w2)
     = wordResult dflags (fromInteger w1 `op` fromInteger w2)
 wordOp2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing  -- Could find LitLit
-wordShiftOp2 :: (Integer -> Int -> Integer)
-             -> DynFlags -> Literal -> Literal
-             -> Maybe CoreExpr
--- Shifts take an Int; hence second arg of op is Int
-wordShiftOp2 op dflags (MachWord x) (MachInt n)
-  = wordResult dflags (x `op` fromInteger n)
-    -- Do the shift at type Integer
-wordShiftOp2 _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+wordShiftRule :: (Integer -> Int -> Integer) -> RuleM CoreExpr
+                 -- Shifts take an Int; hence second arg of op is Int
+-- See Note [Guarding against silly shifts]
+wordShiftRule shift_op
+  = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+       ; [e1, Lit (MachInt shift_len)] <- getArgs
+       ; case e1 of
+           _ | shift_len == 0 
+             -> return e1
+             | shift_len < 0 || wordSizeInBits dflags < shift_len
+             -> return (mkRuntimeErrorApp rUNTIME_ERROR_ID wordPrimTy 
+                                        ("Bad shift length" ++ show shift_len))
+           Lit (MachWord x)
+             -> liftMaybe $ wordResult dflags (x `shift_op` fromInteger shift_len) 
+                    -- Do the shift at type Integer, but shift length is Int
+           _ -> mzero }
+wordSizeInBits :: DynFlags -> Integer
+wordSizeInBits dflags = toInteger (platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) `shiftL` 3)
 floatOp2 :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational)
@@ -522,6 +531,53 @@ idempotent = do [e1, e2] <- getArgs
                 return e1
+Note [Guarding against silly shifts]
+Consider this code:
+  import Data.Bits( (.|.), shiftL )
+  chunkToBitmap :: [Bool] -> Word32
+  chunkToBitmap chunk = foldr (.|.) 0 [ 1 `shiftL` n | (True,n) <- zip chunk [0..] ]
+This optimises to:
+Shift.$wgo = \ (w_sCS :: GHC.Prim.Int#) (w1_sCT :: [GHC.Types.Bool]) ->
+    case w1_sCT of _ {
+      [] -> __word 0;
+      : x_aAW xs_aAX ->
+        case x_aAW of _ {
+          GHC.Types.False ->
+            case w_sCS of wild2_Xh {
+              __DEFAULT -> Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild2_Xh 1) xs_aAX;
+              9223372036854775807 -> __word 0  };
+          GHC.Types.True ->
+            case GHC.Prim.>=# w_sCS 64 of _ {
+              GHC.Types.False ->
+                case w_sCS of wild3_Xh {
+                  __DEFAULT ->
+                    case Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild3_Xh 1) xs_aAX of ww_sCW { __DEFAULT ->
+                      GHC.Prim.or# (GHC.Prim.narrow32Word#
+                                      (GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftL# (__word 1) wild3_Xh))
+                                   ww_sCW
+                     };
+                  9223372036854775807 ->
+                    GHC.Prim.narrow32Word#
+!!!!-->                  (GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftL# (__word 1) 9223372036854775807)
+                };
+              GHC.Types.True ->
+                case w_sCS of wild3_Xh {
+                  __DEFAULT -> Shift.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild3_Xh 1) xs_aAX;
+                  9223372036854775807 -> __word 0
+                } } } }
+Note the massive shift on line "!!!!".  It can't happen, because we've checked 
+that w < 64, but the optimiser didn't spot that. We DO NO want to constant-fold this!
+Moreover, if the programmer writes (n `uncheckedShiftL` 9223372036854775807), we
+can't constant fold it, but if it gets to the assember we get
+     Error: operand type mismatch for `shl'
+So the best thing to do is to rewrite the shift with a call to error,
+when the second arg is stupid.
 %*                                                                      *
 \subsection{Vaguely generic functions}

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