[commit: packages/Cabal] ghc-head: Fix building of executables that use TH with dyn-by-default GHC. (c92409a)

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Mon Aug 26 23:28:16 CEST 2013

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/Cabal

On branch  : ghc-head
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/?p=packages/Cabal.git;a=commit;h=c92409a4ced44577b11fd66242988392eac95b08


commit c92409a4ced44577b11fd66242988392eac95b08
Author: Mikhail Glushenkov <mikhail.glushenkov at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 10 23:21:01 2013 +0200

    Fix building of executables that use TH with dyn-by-default GHC.
    Fixes #1252. Makes the test suite pass with GHC HEAD.
    (If 'TemplateHaskell/profiling' still fails, you're probably affected by this
    GHC bug: http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7978 . Try compiling a more
    recent GHC HEAD.)


 Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs |   31 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs b/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs
index 7b7589c..e162f21 100644
--- a/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs
+++ b/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs
@@ -710,6 +710,8 @@ buildLib verbosity pkg_descr lbi lib clbi = do
                                              "-dynosuf", "dyn_o"]
+  -- TODO: the logic in this fragment is quite convoluted. Should be possible to
+  -- simplify/refactor.
   unless (null (libModules lib)) $
     do let vanilla = whenVanillaLib forceVanillaLib (runGhcProg vanillaOpts)
            shared  = whenSharedLib  forceSharedLib  (runGhcProg sharedOpts)
@@ -882,6 +884,7 @@ buildExe verbosity _pkg_descr lbi
   -- build executables
   srcMainFile <- findFile (exeDir : hsSourceDirs exeBi) modPath
+  isGhcDynamic <- ghcDynamic verbosity ghcProg
   let isHaskellMain = elem (takeExtension srcMainFile) [".hs", ".lhs"]
       cSrcs         = cSources exeBi ++ [srcMainFile | not isHaskellMain]
@@ -913,6 +916,21 @@ buildExe verbosity _pkg_descr lbi
       compileOpts | withProfExe lbi = profOpts
                   | withDynExe  lbi = dynOpts
                   | otherwise       = staticOpts
+      withStaticExe = (not $ withProfExe lbi) && (not $ withDynExe lbi)
+      -- For building exe's that use TH with -prof or -dynamic we actually have
+      -- to build twice, once without -prof/-dynamic and then again with
+      -- -prof/-dynamic. This is because the code that TH needs to run at
+      -- compile time needs to be the vanilla ABI so it can be loaded up and run
+      -- by the compiler.
+      -- With dynamic-by-default GHC the TH object files loaded at compile-time
+      -- need to be .dyn_o instead of .o.
+      doingTH = EnableExtension TemplateHaskell `elem` allExtensions exeBi
+      compileTHOpts | isGhcDynamic = dynOpts
+                    | otherwise    = staticOpts
+      compileForTH
+        | isGhcDynamic = doingTH && (withProfExe lbi || withStaticExe)
+        | otherwise    = doingTH && (withProfExe lbi || withDynExe lbi)
       linkOpts = compileOpts `mappend` mempty {
                       ghcOptLinkOptions    = PD.ldOptions exeBi,
@@ -923,15 +941,10 @@ buildExe verbosity _pkg_descr lbi
                       ghcOptExtra          = ["-no-hs-main" | not isHaskellMain ]
-  -- For building exe's for profiling that use TH we actually
-  -- have to build twice, once without profiling and then again
-  -- with profiling. This is because the code that TH needs to
-  -- run at compile time needs to be the vanilla ABI so it can
-  -- be loaded up and run by the compiler.
-  when ((withProfExe lbi || withDynExe lbi) &&
-        EnableExtension TemplateHaskell `elem` allExtensions exeBi) $
-    runGhcProg staticOpts { ghcOptNoLink = toFlag True }
-    --TODO: do we also need to play the static vs dynamic games here?
+  -- Build static/dynamic object files for TH, if needed.
+  -- TODO: use -dynamic-too when possible
+  when compileForTH $
+    runGhcProg compileTHOpts { ghcOptNoLink = toFlag True }
   runGhcProg compileOpts { ghcOptNoLink = toFlag True }

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