linux-ppc64-head (Linux/ppc64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 182, Success
freebsd.haskell.builder at
Mon May 16 08:06:41 UTC 2016
linux-ppc64-head (Linux/ppc64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 182
Build succeeded
git clone | Success
git clone (Windows tarballs) | Success
create mk/ | Success
repo versions | Success
touching clean-check files | Success
setting version date | Success
booting | Success
configuring | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling | Success
creating check-remove-after | Success
compiling testremove | Success
simulating clean | Success
checking clean | Success
making bindist | Success
making srcdist | Success
uploading bindist | Success
uploading srcdist | Success
uploading tarball source | Success
testing bindist | Success
testing | Success
testsuite summary | Success
Build succeeded
-------------- next part --------------
File not deleted: "libraries/time/lib/include/HsTimeConfig.h"
-------------- next part --------------
Unexpected results from:
TEST="process009 scc003 ImpSafe03 TH_spliceE5_prof_ext T9203 T5321FD T5030 T4801 T6048 T5631 T3064 T1969 T9233 T5321Fun T783 T3294 haddock.Cabal haddock.compiler haddock.base"
OVERALL SUMMARY for test run started at Mon May 16 06:30:25 2016 UTC
1:15:49 spent to go through
5153 total tests, which gave rise to
20400 test cases, of which
15170 were skipped
66 had missing libraries
5054 expected passes
91 expected failures
0 caused framework failures
0 unexpected passes
4 unexpected failures
15 unexpected stat failures
Unexpected failures:
../../libraries/process/tests process009 [bad stdout] (normal)
profiling/should_run scc003 [bad profile] (prof)
safeHaskell/check/pkg01 ImpSafe03 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
th TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal)
Unexpected stat failures:
perf/compiler T1969 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T3064 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T3294 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T4801 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T5030 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T5321FD [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T5321Fun [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T5631 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T6048 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
perf/compiler T783 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T9233 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.Cabal [stat too good] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.base [stat too good] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.compiler [stat too good] (normal)
perf/should_run T9203 [stat too good] (normal)
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