linux-ppc64-head (Linux/ppc64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 221, Success
freebsd.haskell.builder at
Sat Jun 25 10:48:34 UTC 2016
linux-ppc64-head (Linux/ppc64 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 221
Build succeeded
git clone | Success
git clone (Windows tarballs) | Success
create mk/ | Success
repo versions | Success
touching clean-check files | Success
setting version date | Success
booting | Success
configuring | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling | Success
creating check-remove-after | Success
compiling testremove | Success
simulating clean | Success
checking clean | Success
making bindist | Success
making srcdist | Success
uploading bindist | Success
uploading srcdist | Success
uploading tarball source | Success
testing bindist | Success
testing | Success
testsuite summary | Success
Build succeeded
-------------- next part --------------
File not deleted: "libraries/time/lib/include/HsTimeConfig.h"
-------------- next part --------------
Unexpected results from:
TEST="TH_repUnboxedTuples T10596 TH_unboxedSingleton TH_reifyMkName T11680 TH_repGuardOutput T10620 ClosedFam1TH TH_StaticPointers TH_Promoted1Tuple TH_Roles1 T3319 T6114 TH_tf1 T7681 T5883 T3395 TH_spliceGuard T5452 T8807 T10820 TH_1tuple T2222 TH_spliceInst TH_foreignCallingConventions TH_runIO T6005 TH_spliceE1 T7667a T8100 T4135 T5379 T11145 TH_repPrimOutput TH_linePragma TH_spliceE5_prof_ext T9262 TH_spliceDecl2 T10279 T5508 T4436 T10810 T3100 T10828b TH_foreignInterruptible T2817 TH_repPrimOutput2 T10828a T9692 TH_PromotedTuple T10697_decided_2 T10796a process009 T1476 T11345 TH_reifyDecl1 TH_exn1 TH_emptycase T5037 TH_repGuard T8507 T7910 T9738 TH_class1 T11341 T2674 TH_Lift T2700 TH_Roles4 T8759 T3177a T10697_decided_1 TH_sections TH_RichKinds T5410 TH_fail T10828 TH_PromotedList T10891 T8412 TH_tf3 T9199 T3177 TH_reifyDecl2 TH_recover T8954 TH_pragma TH_finalizer T8186 TH_repPrim2 TH_spliceExpr1 T11797 TH_tuple1 T10811 TH_Roles3 T5882 TH_Roles2 T5362 TH_dupdecl T6005a T5290 T11463 T3920 T10796b TH_repE2 T10638 T8499 T9081 T1541 TH_overlaps TH_TyInstWhere1 T9066 T4364 T11809 T5217 T4188 T10306 T1835 T4128 T7484 TH_spliceD2 T8987 T5976 TH_scopedTvs TH_exn2 T4124 T5358 T2713 TH_reifyInstances TH_repPrim TH_spliceE3 TH_spliceE6 T10603 TH_unresolvedInfix2 TH_spliceE4 T8884 TH_TyInstWhere2 T8932 TH_spliceDecl1 TH_mkName T8761 T10697_decided_3 T7477 T6018th T8953 T5971 T5404 T8031 T9064 TH_RichKinds2 T11484 T7241 T5968 ClosedFam2TH T7667 TH_StringPrimL T3294 T1969 haddock.Cabal T6048 T5631 T9233 T4801 T5321Fun T9203 T5321FD T783 haddock.base T3064"
SUMMARY for test run started at Sat Jun 25 08:33:24 2016 UTC
1:54:50 spent to go through
5221 total tests, which gave rise to
20863 test cases, of which
15345 were skipped
66 had missing libraries
5187 expected passes
94 expected failures
0 caused framework failures
0 unexpected passes
158 unexpected failures
13 unexpected stat failures
Unexpected failures:
../../libraries/process/tests/ process009 [bad stdout] (normal)
th/ ClosedFam1TH [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ ClosedFam2TH [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10279 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T10306 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10596 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10603 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10620 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10638 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T10697_decided_1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10697_decided_2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10697_decided_3 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10796a [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10796b [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T10810 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10811 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10820 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10828 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T10828a [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T10828b [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T10891 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11145 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T11341 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11345 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11463 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11484 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11680 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T11797 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T11809 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T1476 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T1541 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T1835 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T2222 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T2674 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T2700 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T2713 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T2817 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T3100 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T3177 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T3177a [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T3319 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T3395 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T3920 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4124 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4128 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4135 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4188 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4364 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T4436 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5037 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5217 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5290 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5358 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T5362 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5379 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5404 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5410 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5452 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5508 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5882 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5883 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5968 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T5971 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T5976 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T6005 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T6005a [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T6018th [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T6114 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T7241 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T7477 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T7484 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T7667 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T7667a [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T7681 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T7910 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8031 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8100 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8186 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8412 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T8499 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8507 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8759 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8761 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
th/ T8761 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8807 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8884 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8932 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T8953 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8954 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T8987 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ T9064 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9066 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9081 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9199 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9262 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9692 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ T9738 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_1tuple [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Lift [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Promoted1Tuple [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_PromotedList [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_PromotedTuple [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_RichKinds [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_RichKinds2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Roles1 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Roles2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Roles3 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_Roles4 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_StaticPointers [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_StringPrimL [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_TyInstWhere1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_TyInstWhere2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_class1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_dupdecl [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_emptycase [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_exn1 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_exn2 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_fail [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_finalizer [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_foreignCallingConventions [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_foreignInterruptible [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_linePragma [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_mkName [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_overlaps [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_pragma [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_recover [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_reifyDecl1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_reifyDecl2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_reifyInstances [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_reifyMkName [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repE2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repGuard [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repGuardOutput [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repPrim [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repPrim2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repPrimOutput [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repPrimOutput2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_repUnboxedTuples [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_runIO [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_scopedTvs [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_sections [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceD2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceDecl1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceDecl2 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceE1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceE3 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceE4 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceE5_prof_ext [bad exit code] (normal,ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceE6 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceExpr1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceGuard [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_spliceInst [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_tf1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_tf3 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_tuple1 [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_unboxedSingleton [exit code non-0] (ext-interp)
th/ TH_unresolvedInfix2 [stderr mismatch] (ext-interp)
Unexpected stat failures:
perf/compiler/ T1969 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T3064 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T3294 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T4801 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T5321FD [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T5321Fun [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T5631 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T6048 [stat not good enough] (optasm)
perf/compiler/ T783 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler/ T9233 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/haddock/ haddock.Cabal [stat too good] (normal)
perf/haddock/ haddock.base [stat too good] (normal)
perf/should_run/ T9203 [stat too good] (normal)
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