smartos-x86_64-head (SmartOS/x86_64 HEAD (Alain O'Dea)), build 647, Incomplete
freebsd.haskell.builder at
Sat Aug 6 03:46:08 UTC 2016
smartos-x86_64-head (SmartOS/x86_64 HEAD (Alain O'Dea)), build 647
Build incomplete
git clone | Success
git clone (Windows tarballs) | Success
create mk/ | Success
repo versions | Success
touching clean-check files | Success
setting version date | Success
booting | Success
configuring | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling | Success
creating check-remove-after | Success
compiling testremove | Success
simulating clean | Success
checking clean | Success
making bindist | Success
making srcdist | Success
uploading bindist | Success
uploading srcdist | Success
uploading tarball source | Success
testing bindist | Success
testing | Failure: Nothing
Build incomplete
-------------- next part --------------
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./T4267 +RTS -V0 -tT4267.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> T7619(normal) 2714 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o T7619 T7619.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./T7619 +RTS -V0 -tT7619.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> InlineArrayAlloc(normal) 2715 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o InlineArrayAlloc InlineArrayAlloc.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O2
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./InlineArrayAlloc +RTS -V0 -tInlineArrayAlloc.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> InlineByteArrayAlloc(normal) 2716 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o InlineByteArrayAlloc InlineByteArrayAlloc.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O2
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./InlineByteArrayAlloc +RTS -V0 -tInlineByteArrayAlloc.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> InlineCloneArrayAlloc(normal) 2717 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o InlineCloneArrayAlloc InlineCloneArrayAlloc.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O2
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./InlineCloneArrayAlloc +RTS -V0 -tInlineCloneArrayAlloc.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> T9203(normal) 2718 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o T9203 T9203.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O2
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./T9203 +RTS -V0 -tT9203.stats --machine-readable -RTS
bytes allocated value is too low:
(If this is because you have improved GHC, please
update the test so that GHC doesn't regress again)
Expected T9203(normal) bytes allocated: 84345136 +/-5%
Lower bound T9203(normal) bytes allocated: 80127879
Upper bound T9203(normal) bytes allocated: 88562393
Actual T9203(normal) bytes allocated: 69717908
Deviation T9203(normal) bytes allocated: -17.3 %
*** unexpected stat test failure for T9203(normal)
=====> T9339(normal) 2719 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
cd "./perf/should_run/" && "/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc" -o T9339 T9339.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-warning-groups -O2
cd "./perf/should_run/" && ./T9339 +RTS -V0 -tT9339.stats --machine-readable -RTS
=====> space_leak_001(normal) 2720 of 5235 [0, 6, 4]
Stdout "cd \"./perf/space_leaks/\" && \"/home/ghcbld/builder/builder/tempbuild/build/bindisttest/install dir/bin/ghc\" -o space_leak_001 space_leak_001.hs -dcore-lint -dcmm-lint -dno-debug-output -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -fno-warn-missed-specialisations -fshow-war
-------------- next part --------------
File not deleted: "libraries/time/lib/include/HsTimeConfig.h"
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