validator1-linux-x86-head (Linux/x86 HEAD (Mateusz Kowalczyk)), build 48, Success
freebsd.haskell.builder at
Sun Aug 10 04:56:08 UTC 2014
validator1-linux-x86-head (Linux/x86 HEAD (Mateusz Kowalczyk)), build 48
Build succeeded
git clone | Success
create mk/ | Success
get subrepos | Success
repo versions | Success
booting | Success
configuring | Success
compiling | Success
making bindist | Success
testing bindist | Success
testing | Success
testsuite summary | Success
Build succeeded
-------------- next part --------------
Unexpected results from:
TEST="T9203 T1969 T3064 parsing001 haddock.Cabal haddock.compiler haddock.base testblockalloc"
OVERALL SUMMARY for test run started at Sun Aug 10 05:33:08 2014 BST
0:21:50 spent to go through
4085 total tests, which gave rise to
17065 test cases, of which
13324 were skipped
26 had missing libraries
3670 expected passes
37 expected failures
1 caused framework failures
0 unexpected passes
8 unexpected failures
Unexpected failures:
perf/compiler T1969 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler T3064 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/compiler parsing001 [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.Cabal [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.base [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/haddock haddock.compiler [stat not good enough] (normal)
perf/should_run T9203 [stat not good enough] (normal)
rts testblockalloc [bad exit code] (normal)
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