solaris-x86-head (Solaris/x86 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 28, Failure
freebsd.haskell.builder at
Mon Apr 14 01:49:31 UTC 2014
solaris-x86-head (Solaris/x86 HEAD (Karel Gardas)), build 28
Build failed
git clone | Success
create mk/ | Success
get subrepos | Success
repo versions | Success
touching clean-check files | Success
setting version date | Success
booting | Success
configuring | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling | Failure: Just (ExitFailure 2)
Build failed
-------------- next part --------------
utils/haddock/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs:47:33: Warning:
In the use of ?parseParasMaybe? (imported from Haddock.Parser):
Deprecated: "use `parseParas` instead"
utils/haddock/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs:51:28: Warning:
In the use of ?parseStringMaybe? (imported from Haddock.Parser):
Deprecated: "use `parseString` instead"
"inplace/bin/ghc-stage2" -hisuf dyn_hi -osuf dyn_o -hcsuf dyn_hc -fPIC -dynamic -H32m -O -hide-all-packages -i -iutils/haddock/driver -iutils/haddock/src -iutils/haddock/vendor/attoparsec- -iutils/haddock/dist/build -iutils/haddock/dist/build/autogen -Iutils/haddock/dist/build -Iutils/haddock/dist/build/autogen -optP-DIN_GHC_TREE -optP-include -optPutils/haddock/dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package Cabal- -package array- -package base- -package bytestring- -package containers- -package deepseq- -package directory- -package filepath- -package ghc-7.9.20140414 -package xhtml-3000.2.1 -funbox-strict-fields -Wall -fwarn-tabs -O2 -XHaskell2010 -no-user-package-db -rtsopts -odir utils/haddock/dist/build -hidir utils/haddock/dist/build -stubdir utils/haddock/dist/build -c utils/haddock/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs -o utils/haddock/dist/build/Haddock/Interface/Create.dyn_o
Couldn't match type ?GenLocated SrcSpan (HsBindLR Name Name)?
with ?(a1, Located (HsBind id))?
Expected type: TyClDecl Name -> Bag (a1, Located (HsBind id))
Actual type: TyClDecl Name -> LHsBinds Name
Relevant bindings include
defs :: [Located (HsDecl id)]
(bound at utils/haddock/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs:367:5)
In the second argument of ?(.)?, namely ?tcdMeths?
In the second argument of ?(.)?, namely ?bagToList . tcdMeths?
Couldn't match type ?GenLocated SrcSpan (HsBindLR Name Name)?
with ?(a0, Located (HsBind Name))?
Expected type: HsValBindsLR Name Name
-> [(a0, Located (HsBind Name))]
Actual type: HsValBindsLR Name Name -> [LHsBindLR Name Name]
In the first argument of ?(.)?, namely ?valbinds?
In the second argument of ?(.)?, namely ?valbinds . hs_valds?
gmake[1]: *** [utils/haddock/dist/build/Haddock/Interface/Create.dyn_o] Error 1
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
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