freebsd-i386-head (i386 FreeBSD HEAD), build 79, Failure

Builder freebsd.haskell.builder at
Thu Nov 21 01:04:03 UTC 2013

freebsd-i386-head (i386 FreeBSD HEAD), build 79

Build failed

git clone          | Success
create mk/ | Success
get subrepos       | Failure: Just (ExitFailure 1)

Build failed

-------------- next part --------------
Checking connectivity... done
Submodule path 'libraries/binary': checked out '2799c25d85b4627200f2e4dcb30d2128488780c3'
Cloning into 'libraries/bytestring'...
Checking connectivity... done
Submodule path 'libraries/bytestring': checked out '6ad8c0d27bcff28c80684a29b57d7a8dbf00caca'
Cloning into 'libraries/containers'...
Checking connectivity... done
Submodule path 'libraries/containers': checked out 'c4f44a33136df0c6239eb5219b72a487b90b6ad1'
Cloning into 'libraries/haskeline'...
Checking connectivity... done
Submodule path 'libraries/haskeline': checked out '3734dd146f494094ba76d92fdebb38d7c18bbccc'
Cloning into 'libraries/pretty'...
error: RPC failed; result=7, HTTP code = 0
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Clone of '' into submodule path 'libraries/pretty' failed
git failed: 256 at ./sync-all line 120.
== Checking for old haddock repo
== Checking for old binary repo
== Checking for old mtl repo
== Checking for old Cabal repo
== Checking for old time from tarball

You have an old time package in your GHC tree!

Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r libraries/time"), and then run
"./sync-all get" to get the new repository.
== Checking for obsolete Git repo URL

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