pgj2 (amd64 FreeBSD HEAD), build 929, Success

Builder bit.bucket at
Sun Jan 27 08:58:24 CET 2013

pgj2 (amd64 FreeBSD HEAD), build 929

Build succeeded

git clone                    | Success
create mk/           | Success
get subrepos                 | Success
repo versions                | Success
touching clean-check files   | Success
setting version date         | Success
booting                      | Success
configuring                  | Success
creating check-remove-before | Success
compiling                    | Success
creating check-remove-after  | Success
compiling testremove         | Success
simulating clean             | Success
checking clean               | Success
making bindist               | Success
publishing bindist           | Success
testing bindist              | Success
testing                      | Success
testsuite summary            | Success

Build succeeded

-------------- next part --------------
File not deleted:    "compiler/ghc.cabal.old"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/DerivedConstants.h"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/GHCConstantsHaskellExports.hs"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/GHCConstantsHaskellType.hs"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/GHCConstantsHaskellWrappers.hs"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/platformConstants"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/tmp.c"
File not deleted:    "includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/tmp.o"
File not deleted:    "inplace"
File not deleted:    "libraries/base/include/EventConfig.h"
File not deleted:    "libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/mkGmpDerivedConstants"
File not deleted:    "mk/"
File not deleted:    "mk/"
File not deleted:    "rts/libs.depend"
File not deleted:    "rts/package.conf.inplace"
File not deleted:    "rts/package.conf.inplace.raw"
-------------- next part --------------

OVERALL SUMMARY for test run started at Sun Jan 27 07:17:53 UTC 2013
    3562 total tests, which gave rise to
   11838 test cases, of which
       0 caused framework failures
    8618 were skipped

    2914 expected passes
      26 had missing libraries
      34 expected failures
      23 unexpected passes
     223 unexpected failures

Unexpected passes:
   codeGen/should_run        T7319 (prof)
   perf/should_run           T5113 (normal)
   profiling/should_compile  T2410 (normal)
   profiling/should_compile  prof001 (normal)
   profiling/should_compile  prof002 (normal)
   profiling/should_run      T2552 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      T3001 (prof_hb)
   profiling/should_run      T3001-2 (prof_hb)
   profiling/should_run      T5314 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      T5363 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      T5559 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      T680 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      T949 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      callstack001 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      callstack002 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      heapprof001 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      prof-doc-fib (prof)
   profiling/should_run      prof-doc-last (prof)
   profiling/should_run      profinline001 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      scc001 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      scc002 (prof)
   profiling/should_run      scc003 (prof)
   stranal/should_compile    newtype (optasm)

Unexpected failures:
   ../../libraries/base/tests/IO        T3307 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ../../libraries/base/tests/IO        environment001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ../../libraries/directory/tests      getPermissions001 [bad exit code] (normal)
   ../../libraries/hpc/tests/ghc_ghci   hpc_ghc_ghci [bad stderr] (normal)
   ../../libraries/process/tests        process007 [bad stdout] (normal)
   ../../libraries/process/tests        process009 [bad stdout] (normal)
   ../../libraries/unix/tests/libposix  posix005 [bad stdout] (normal)
   cabal                                T1750 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal                                ghcpkg01 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal                                ghcpkg03 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal                                ghcpkg05 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal                                ghcpkg06 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal                                shadow [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal/cabal01                        cabal01 [bad stderr] (normal)
   cabal/cabal04                        cabal04 [bad stderr] (normal)
   codeGen/should_compile               T2578 [bad stderr] (normal)
   deSugar/should_compile               T5252 [bad stderr] (normal)
   deSugar/should_compile               T5252Take2 [bad stderr] (normal)
   deriving/should_compile              T1133 [bad stderr] (normal)
   deriving/should_fail                 T1133A [bad stderr] (normal)
   deriving/should_fail                 drvfail016 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T2566 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T3364 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T5198 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T5584 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T706 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T7060 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               T7563 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver011 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver012 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver013 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver014 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver015 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver016 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver017 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver018 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver018a [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver019 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver021 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver022 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver023 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver024 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver024a [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver025 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver026 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver027 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver028 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver031 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver032 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver033 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver034 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver035 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver041 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver042 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver043 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver044 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver045 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver051 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver052 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver053 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver061a [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver061b [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver062a [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver062b [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver062c [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver062d [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver062e [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver063 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver064 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver065 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver066 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver067 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver070 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver071 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver081a [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver081b [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver100 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               driver200 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               dynHelloWorld [bad exit code] (dyn)
   driver                               mode001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               rtsopts001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               rtsopts002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver                               withRtsOpts [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/T1372                         T1372 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/T1959                         T1959 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/T3007                         T3007 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/T437                          T437 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/T5147                         T5147 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/bug1677                       bug1677 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/conflicting_flags             conflicting_flags [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp003                     recomp003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp004                     recomp004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp009                     recomp009 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp010                     recomp010 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp011                     recomp011 [bad stderr] (normal)
   driver/recomp012                     recomp012 [bad stderr] (normal)
   dynlibs                              T3807 [bad exit code] (normal)
   dynlibs                              T5373 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ffi/should_run                       Capi_Ctype_001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ffi/should_run                       Capi_Ctype_002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   gadt                                 T7321 [bad stderr] (normal)
   gadt                                 gadt17 [bad stderr] (normal)
   gadt                                 gadt23 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-api/T7478                        T7478 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     T2228 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     T2636 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     T3890 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     T7299 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     ghc-e001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     ghc-e002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     ghc-e003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     ghc-e004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghc-e/should_run                     ghc-e005 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink005 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/linking                         ghcilink006 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/prog004                         ghciprog004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/scripts                         ghci037 [bad stderr] (normal)
   ghci/should_run                      T3171 [bad stdout] (normal)
   hsc2hs                               T3837 [bad stderr] (normal)
   hsc2hs                               hsc2hs001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   hsc2hs                               hsc2hs002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   hsc2hs                               hsc2hs003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   hsc2hs                               hsc2hs004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_compile         IndTypesPerf [bad stderr] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_compile         NewTyCo [bad stderr] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_compile         T4981-V3 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_compile         T5955 [bad stderr] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_compile         T6152 [bad stderr] (normal)
   indexed-types/should_fail            T7354a [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout001 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout002 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout004 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout005 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout006 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout007 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout008 [bad stderr] (normal)
   layout                               layout009 [bad stderr] (normal)
   lib/integer                          IntegerConversionRules [bad stderr] (normal)
   lib/integer                          fromToInteger [bad stderr] (normal)
   lib/integer                          integerConstantFolding [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod144 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod146 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod158 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod160 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod165 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod166 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module                               mod167 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module/base01                        base01 [bad stderr] (normal)
   module/mod175                        mod175 [bad stderr] (normal)
   numeric/should_run                   T7014 [bad stderr] (normal)
   parser/should_compile/T7476          T7476 [bad stderr] (normal)
   perf/compiler                        T4007 [bad stderr] (normal)
   perf/haddock                         haddock.Cabal [stat not good enough] (normal)
   perf/haddock                         haddock.base [stat not good enough] (normal)
   perf/should_run                      T2902 [bad stderr] (normal)
   perf/should_run                      T3736 [bad stderr] (normal)
   plugins                              plugins01 [bad stderr] (normal)
   polykinds                            T5881 [bad stderr] (normal)
   polykinds                            T6025 [bad stderr] (normal)
   polykinds                            T6054 [bad stderr] (normal)
   polykinds                            T7022 [bad stderr] (normal)
   polykinds                            T7438 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/prog006                       rn.prog006 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T1792_imports [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T3449 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T3823 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T4003 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T4239 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_compile                T4240 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rename/should_fail                   rnfail055 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   rts                                  T2615 [bad stdout] (normal)
   rts                                  T4059 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rts                                  T4850 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rts                                  T5423 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rts                                  T7037 [bad stderr] (normal)
   rts                                  T7040_ghci [bad stdout or stderr] (ghci)
   rts                                  outofmem [bad stderr] (normal)
   rts                                  outofmem2 [bad stderr] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly01 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly02 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly03 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly04 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly05 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly06 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly07 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly08 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly09 [stderr mismatch] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              ImpSafeOnly10 [exit code non-0] (normal)
   safeHaskell/check/pkg01              safePkg01 [bad exit code] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             EvalTest [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T3055 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T3772 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4138 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4201 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4306 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4903 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4918 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4945 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T4957 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5168 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5327 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5366 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5623 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5658b [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T5776 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             T7165 [bad stderr] (normal)
   simplCore/should_compile             simpl021 [bad stderr] (normal)
   th                                   T2386 [bad stderr] (normal)
   th                                   T7445 [bad stderr] (normal)
   th                                   TH_Depends [bad stderr] (normal)
   th/T2014                             T2014 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/bug1465                    bug1465 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             T2412 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             T5792 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             T7171 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             tc170 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             tc173 [bad stderr] (normal)
   typecheck/should_compile             tc245 [bad stderr] (normal)

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