[Hs-Generics] New scheme proposal: everythingWithContext
Andrew Miller
ak.miller at auckland.ac.nz
Tue May 15 03:51:37 CEST 2012
One thing that is hard to do with SYB (as well as with alternative
generics packages in Haskell) at present is to query while keeping state
that is carried down the tree but not to siblings, and use that in
deciding what to return from the query.
I propose a new scheme be added to Data.Generics.Schemes, called
everythingWithContext (as defined below). An everywhereWithContext might
also be useful, but I don't think you would be able to define the
transformation using the existing combinators, so I have limited my
proposal to everythingWithContext for now.
Yours Sincerely,
Andrew Miller
{- | Summarise all nodes in top-down, left-to-right order, carrying some
state down
the tree during the computation, but not left-to-right to siblings.
Example: Suppose you want to compute the maximum depth of adds in
the below
simple co-recursive structure, ignoring all the other
constructors. You could
write code like the following:
data MyStructure = SomeConst Int | Add MyStructure MyStructure | Times
MyStructure MyStructure | Wrapped Wrapper deriving (Data, Typeable)
data Wrapper = Wrapper MyStructure deriving (Data, Typeable)
myExample = Add (SomeConst 10) (Add (Wrapped . Wrapper $ (Add (Add (Add
(Times (SomeConst 30) (SomeConst 90)) (SomeConst 70)) (SomeConst 40))
(SomeConst 50))) (Add (SomeConst 20) (Add (SomeConst 60) (SomeConst 80))))
computeDepth = everythingWithContext 0 max ((\s -> (0, s)) `mkQ` depthOfAdd)
depthOfAdd (Add _ _) s = (s, s + 1)
depthOfAdd _ s = (s, s)
main = print $ computeDepth myExample
everythingWithContext :: s -> (r -> r -> r) -> GenericQ (s -> (r, s)) ->
GenericQ r
everythingWithContext s0 f q x =
foldl f r (gmapQ (everythingWithContext s' f q) x)
where (r, s') = q x s0
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