[Hs-Generics] ANNOUNCE: Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses (EMGM) 0.1

Sean Leather leather at cs.uu.nl
Fri Sep 19 12:05:06 EDT 2008

Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses

Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses (EMGM) is a library for
generic programming in Haskell using type classes.

This is the initial release of a maintained library for EMGM. Other versions
have previously existed in various states from various sources. We plan to
continue updating and maintaining this version.

Visit the home page:



The primary features of EMGM include:

*  Datatype-generic programming using sum-of-product views
*  Large collection of ready-to-use generic functions
*  Included support for standard datatypes: lists, Maybe, tuples
*  Easy to add support for new datatypes
*  Type classes make writing new functions straightforward in a structurally
inductive style
*  Generic functions are extensible with ad-hoc cases for arbitrary
*  Good performance of generic functions

The features of this distribution include:

*  The API is thoroughly documented with Haddock
*  Fully tested with QuickCheck and HUnit
*  Program coverage ensures that all useful code has been touched by tests
*  Tested on both Mac and Windows systems


EMGM has the following requirements:

*  GHC 6.8.1 - It has been tested with versions 6.8.3 and 6.9.20080916.
*  Cabal library 1.2.1 - It has been tested with versions 1.2.3 and

Download & Source

Use caball-install:

  cabal install emgm

Get the package:


Get the source:

  svn checkout https://svn.cs.uu.nl:12443/repos/dgp-haskell/EMGM


Check out the examples:


Bugs & Support

Report issues or request features:


Discuss EMGM with the authors, maintainers, and other interested persons:



The research for EMGM originated with Ralf Hinze. It was extended with work
by Bruno Oliveira and Andres Löh. More details of the library functionality
were explored by Alexey Rodriguez. We are very grateful to all of these
people for the foundation on which this library was built.

The current authors and maintainers of EMGM are:

*  Sean Leather
*  José Pedro Magalhães
*  Alexey Rodriguez
*  Andres Löh
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