[Hs-Generics] Traversable Functor Data,or: X marks the spot
Alexey Rodriguez
mrchebas at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 06:04:52 EDT 2008
Hi Claus!
We have a deadline coming soon, so this is only a brief comment about your
GMap implementation.
I played a bit with your fmap' function to see whether I could find an
obvious problem with the implementation. For instance, I used this datatype:
data Tricky a = Tricky a Char deriving (Data,Typeable)
and tried to transform a value of type "Tricky Char" to "Tricky Bool". I
wanted to see whether the second argument of Tricky would be (incorrectly)
transformed to Bool. But it turned out that fmap' behaved as expected. So I
think that SYB can pass the GMap test.
On the other hand, I think that using unsafeCoerce as a way to define
generic functions is inelegant and probably bad practice due to possible
runtime failures. However, I must admit that I was surprised when I saw your
trick :).
Probably we'll get back to you around next week. Meanwhile, you may find
useful to look at the paper we wrote on comparing generic programming
libraries[1]. In particular, you can look at caveats that apply to SYB.
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Claus Reinke <claus.reinke at talk21.com>
> Dear Generics;-)
> this is a repost from cvs-libraries of an experiment which you might find
> of interest, and on which I'd welcome feedback. One impact being that SYB
> can implement your GMap test (on which it currently defaults), among other
> things (see message 1 below, the technique probably applies to Uniplate as
> well?). One issue being that Data instances for non-algebraic types that
> default to
> doing nothing render this technique unsafe (see message 2 below).
> Btw, the announcement of the unified generics library project was so long
> ago that I had forgotten about it and about this list (thanks to Simon PJ
> for reminding me). My interest in this is partially from my past with HaRe,
> partially from wanting generic traversal support over GHC AST types, so I'm
> more interested
> in generic traversal/analysis style libraries.
> Claus
> --------- message 1
> The issue at hand: can we use Data/Typeable to do what Functor and
> Traversible do so easily, namely type-changing maps? Or should
> there be support for deriving all of Data/Typeable/Functor/Traversible
> over GHC's AST?
> A drastically simplified example from David's Haddock 2 code
> (Haddock.Interface.Rename) needs to do a kind of mapM
> renameDoc :: Monad m => HsDoc Name -> m (HsDoc DocName)
> which is straightforward with Traversible, but that is not derivable
> yet (David has been working on that, though), while the usual basis
> of SYB, Data/Typeable, is derivable, but all SYB transformations are based
> on gfoldl, the type of which does not permit type-changing maps:
> gfoldl :: (Data a) =>(forall a1 b. (Data a1) => c (a1 -> b) -> a1
> -> c b)
> -> (forall g. g -> c g)
> -> a-> c a
> One could probably go from heterogeneous Data types to a
> homogeneously typed tree representation, do the map there, then transform
> back, but that would require additional overhead
> and a type coercion for the backtransform. Also, it seems a pity that the
> derived code for gfoldl can handle such maps - it is just
> gfoldl's type that gets in the way (and trying to generalize that
> type is a whole different kind of headache..).
> While boilerplate scrappers around the globe eagerly await the
> release of
> "Generalizing the type of gfold, or: to braindamage and beyond"
> (author: unknown; release date: unknown; release: unlikely;-)
> I thought I'd have a go at the smaller problem of finding a way
> to bypass gfoldl's type systematically in order to use its derivable
> code for things like fmap and traverse. This message summarizes
> how far I've got so far, and asks for comments (does this do
> what it should? is it safe? assuming it can be cleaned up to do
> what it should in a safe way, does this mean that deriving Data/
> Typeable for GHCs AST types will be sufficient, or should we
> still have Traversible as well? etc.).
> First, here is an implementation of renameDoc in terms of
> gfoldl and unsafeCoerce (slightly cleaned up version of what
> I sent in the other thread earlier):
> data Name = Name String deriving (Show,Data,Typeable)
> data DocName = DocName String deriving (Show,Data,Typeable)
> renameDoc :: Monad m => HsDoc Name -> m (HsDoc DocName)
> renameDoc (DocIdentifier ids) = mapM (\(Name n)->return (DocName n))
> ids >>= return . DocIdentifier
> renameDoc hsDoc = n2d (gfoldl k return hsDoc)
> where k c x = ap c (mkM (d2n . renameDoc) x)
> n2d :: Monad m => m (HsDoc Name) -> m (HsDoc DocName)
> n2d = unsafeCoerce
> d2n :: Monad m => m (HsDoc DocName) -> m (HsDoc Name)
> d2n = unsafeCoerce
> 'DocIdentifier :: [id] -> HsDoc id' is the only constructor in HsDoc that
> involves the parameter type 'id', so renameDoc either does the
> parameter type conversion or -for other constructors- recurses into the
> subexpressions, using gfoldl to build a monadic map.
> The important insight here is that gfoldl's code can handle the task,
> we just pretend that our map is type-preserving to conform to gfoldl's
> restrictive type, by coercing the result types (inside gfoldl, we pretend
> that renameDoc returns a (HsDoc Name), which outside gfoldl, we coerce back
> to (HsDoc DocName)).
> Assuming that noone looks at the return types inside gfoldl (at least,
> not in a way that would be affected by this change in type - SYB
> does support adhoc overloading, after all, as in mkM here), this
> seems to work:
> testDoc = DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [Name
> "well-typed"]) DocEmpty)) (DocAppend (DocString "programs")
> (DocIdentifier [Name "don't",Name "go",Name "anywhere"]))
> *Main> renameDoc testDoc
> DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [DocName "well-typed"])
> DocEmpty))
> (DocAppend (DocString "programs") (DocIdentifier [DocName
> "don't",DocName "go",DocName "anywhere"]))
> But can we generalize this, and what about those coercions?
> Can we -ideally- define something like fmap and traverse in terms of
> gfoldl, and hide the uglyness in their implementations?
> Well, I'll spare you (and me;-) the details of my struggle with
> the type system, and just show the results, with some comments. First, the
> simpler fmap:
> -- "X marks the spots";-) X should be private
> data X = X deriving (Data,Typeable)
> fmap' :: (Data (f X)) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> fmap' f x = markTheSpots (rec (wrap f)) x
> where
> markTheSpots :: (f X -> f X) -> (f a -> f b)
> markTheSpots f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
> rec :: (Data a) => (X -> X) -> a -> a
> rec f x = (gmapT (rec f) `extT` f) x
> wrap :: (a -> b) -> (X -> X)
> wrap f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
> Surprisingly simple for something that seemed impossible
> at first, isn't it?-) Since we're already committed (for this
> experiment, at least) to some type fiddling, we can make
> more constructive use of unsafeCoerce, for two purposes:
> 1. We wrap the function parameter f, to make it look
> like a type-preserving function, on some private type X.
> 2. We mark the occurrences of the type constructor f's parameter type, by
> coercing 'f a' to 'f X' and 'f X' to
> 'f b'.
> Then, we simply use SYB to apply f, when its type matches
> the parameter, or to recurse into the subexpressions using
> gmapT, otherwise. If X is private, f will only be applied
> to the "functor parameter" _positions_ in 'f a', not to other
> "functor parameter" _type_ occurrences in 'f a':
> *Main> fmap' not $ (True,True)
> (True,False)
> *Main> fmap' not $ [True,True]
> [False,False]
> *Main> fmap' (\(Name s)->(DocName s)) testDoc
> DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [DocName "well-typed"])
> DocEmpty))
> (DocAppend (DocString "programs") (DocIdentifier [DocName
> "don't",DocName "go",DocName "anywhere"]))
> Note how we use one kind of recursion where a manual implementation of fmap
> would use two: handling subexpressions
> (which we'd usually do by pattern matching and expression
> construction) and functor type recursion.
> Ecouraged by this success, we are ready to tackle the slightly more tricky
> traverse, using the same techniques:
> mark the spot, wrap the worker, one kind of recursion.
> Only this time, we need to take care of the applicative
> plumbing as well, so it's gfoldl instead of gmapT, and
> some more complex types.
> We need the usual SYB type extension support, but for
> Applicative, not Monad (SYB was defined before
> Applicative existed, it seems..):
> -- type extension over Applicative f
> mkF :: forall f a b . (Applicative f,Typeable a,Typeable b)
> => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a
> mkF f x = case gcast (F f) of { Just (F f) -> f x; Nothing -> pure x }
> extF :: forall t f a b . (Typeable a,Typeable b) => (a -> f a) ->
> (b -> f b) -> (a -> f a)
> (f `extF` fspec) x = case gcast (F fspec) of { Just (F fspec) -> fspec x;
> Nothing -> f x }
> newtype F f x = F { unF :: x -> f x }
> And here we go:
> traverse' :: forall f t a b . (Applicative f,Typeable1 f,
> Typeable1 t,Data (t X),
> Typeable a)
> => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
> traverse' f x = markTheSpots (rec (wrap f)) x
> where
> markTheSpots :: forall a b . (t X -> f (t X)) -> (t a -> f (t b))
> markTheSpots f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
> wrap :: forall a b . (a -> f b) -> (X -> f X)
> wrap f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
> rec :: forall x . Data x => (X -> f X) -> x -> f x
> rec f x = (gfoldl (k f) z `extF` f) x k :: forall a b . Data a =>
> (X -> f X) -> f (a -> b) -> a -> f b
> k f c x = c <*> (mkF (rec f :: Data a => a -> f a) `extF` f) x
> z c = pure c
> This does seem to do the right thing, so I don't seem to be
> completely on the wrong track:
> *Main> traverse' (pure . not) (True,True)
> (True,False)
> *Main> traverse' (pure . not) [True,True]
> [False,False]
> *Main> traverse' print testDoc
> Name "well-typed"
> Name "don't"
> Name "go"
> Name "anywhere"
> DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [()]) DocEmpty))
> (DocAppend (DocString "programs") (DocIdentifier [(),(),()]))
> *Main> traverse' (pure) testDoc
> DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [Name "well-typed"])
> DocEmpty)) (DocAppend (DocString "programs") (DocIdentifier
> [Name "don't",Name "go",Name "anywhere"]))
> *Main> traverse' (pure . (\(Name s)->DocName s)) testDoc
> DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocAppend (DocIdentifier [DocName "well-typed"])
> DocEmpty))
> (DocAppend (DocString "programs") (DocIdentifier [DocName
> "don't",DocName "go",DocName "anywhere"]))
> but I'm too battered from trying to coerce gfoldl to analyze this
> properly at the moment, so I'm sending this in the hope of (a)
> not having to look at gfoldl's type for a while !-) and (b) getting
> some feedback (is this useful? does the extra overhead matter?..), caveats
> (cyclic programs, nested traversals, escaping Xs, ..?), etc.
> Over to you,
> Claus
> PS. the "X marks the spot" trick reminds me of the popular
> medicine topic: delivery system plus targeted activation
> (SYB plus unsafeCoerce).
> ------------- message 2
> fmap' :: (Data (f X)) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
>> fmap' f x = markTheSpots (rec (wrap f)) x
>> where
>> markTheSpots :: (f X -> f X) -> (f a -> f b)
>> markTheSpots f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
>> rec :: (Data a) => (X -> X) -> a -> a
>> rec f x = (gmapT (rec f) `extT` f) x
>> wrap :: (a -> b) -> (X -> X)
>> wrap f = unsafeCoerce . f . unsafeCoerce
> ..
>> 1. We wrap the function parameter f, to make it look
>> like a type-preserving function, on some private type X.
>> 2. We mark the occurrences of the type constructor f's parameter type,
>> by coercing 'f a' to 'f X' and 'f X' to
>> 'f b'.
>> Then, we simply use SYB to apply f, when its type matches
>> the parameter, or to recurse into the subexpressions using
>> gmapT, otherwise. If X is private, f will only be applied
>> to the "functor parameter" _positions_ in 'f a', not to other
>> "functor parameter" _type_ occurrences in 'f a'
> ..but f might not be applied at all, which leads to the first
> issue with this technique:
> I was surprised to see Data instances for (a->b) and IO a, since for such
> non-algebraic types, there isn't anything to gfoldl or gmap over. And those
> instances do indeed seem
> to offer very little functionality (not to mention the runtime
> errors..).
> For fmap'/traverse', this means that f will not be applied, and so it is
> not a good idea to coerce the types as if f had been applied (because the
> hidden parameter could be exposed after traversal, with changed type and
> unchanged
> representation!).. So we need to restrict the types of fmap'/traverse'.
> Which leads to two questions:
> - what is the rationale for having these non-functional
> Data instances?
> If one is to have 'instance Data (a->b)', is there a way
> to make it more functional?
> - how can we capture algebraic types in a type (class)?
> I thought that Data would do just that, being designed
> to gfoldl over concrete data constructors, but apparently
> not. And I don't really want to have a separate list of all the types
> for which Data works, or of all the types for which Data doesn't quite
> work.
> Claus
> ps. What is the right list for this topic?
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