[Hs-Generics] Re: Syb Renovations? Issues with Data.Generics
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at talk21.com
Thu Jul 31 06:36:02 EDT 2008
>> That is the whole point, isn't it? The Data framework isn't designed
>> to cope with things like (a->b) or (IO a), so there are no good instances
>> one could define for these types
> OK, I think I've missed your point then.
I don't seem to have explained it well - I wouldn't expect so much
opposition otherwise!-) Perhaps, some concrete code examples will
help (see below).
> I don't see a benefit to moving the instances to their own module, which
> outweighs the downsides, in my opinion.
To recap: I'm suggesting to
- split the existing Data.Generics.Instances into
- provide Data.Generics.Alt, which is Data.Generics without
> How do they "get in the way"? Do you mean the typechecker doesn't tell
> you which instances you need to define by hand, because deriving worked?
Okay, I've cobbled together a package with my various code fragments,
for discussion purposes only:
If you install that, and then try examples/Examples.hs, once as it
is and once with -DALT, you will directly see the difference between
the status quo and my suggested alternative: the former gives a mixture
of happily working code, runtime errors and silently wrong results, the
latter gives compiletime type errors for those examples that would
otherwise go haywire by defaulting to use non-standard instances
(tested with ghci 6.9.20080514, code & output below *).
Does that help?
* you have to try the two alternatives in different ghc invocations, because
of a long-standing ghc session bug that accumulates instances over all
modules seen.
-------------------------------------------- example code
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -DALT #-}
import Data.Generics.Utils
#ifdef ALT
import Data.Generics.Alt -- compiletime type errors
import Data.Generics -- runtime errors, wrong results
import qualified Control.Exception as CE(catch)
-------------------------------- examples
test = do
putStrLn "-- traverseData examples"
print $ traverseData (Just . not) tuple
print $ traverseData (Just . not) list
traverseData print tuple >>= print
traverseData print list >>= print
print $ traverseData id [ Just x | x <- [1..3::Integer] ]
print $ traverseData id [ [1..3], [4..6::Integer] ]
putStrLn "-- fmapData examples"
print $ fmapData not tuple
print $ fmapData not list
putStrLn "-- fmapData (a->b) (IO a) examples"
safely (print $ map (($True) . fmapData not) ([]::[Bool->Bool]))
safely (mapM (fmapData not) ([]::[IO Bool]) >>= print)
safely (print $ map (($True) . fmapData not) ([const True]::[Bool->Bool]))
safely (mapM (fmapData not) ([return True]::[IO Bool]) >>= print)
putStrLn "-- everywhere over inconsistent instances examples"
print $ everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: Maybe Integer)
print $ everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: [] Integer)
print =<< everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: IO Integer)
print $ everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: (->) () Integer) ()
where inc = (+1) :: Integer -> Integer
tuple = (True,True)
list = [True,True]
safely m = CE.catch m (putStrLn . ("exception: "++) . show)
-------------------------------------------- example output
$ ghc -e test Examples.hs
-- traverseData examples
Just (True,False)
Just [False,False]
Just [1,2,3]
-- fmapData examples
-- fmapData (a->b) (IO a) examples
exception: gunfold
exception: gunfold
-- everywhere over inconsistent instances examples
Just 1
$ ghc -DALT -e test Examples.hs
No instances for (Data (Bool -> Bool),
Data (Bool -> Data.Generics.Utils.X))
arising from a use of `fmapData' at Examples.hs:31:33-44
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Data (Bool -> Bool), Data (Bool -> Data.Generics.Utils.X))
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `fmapData not'
In the first argument of `map', namely `(($ True) . fmapData not)'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`map (($ True) . fmapData not) ([] :: [Bool -> Bool])'
No instances for (Data (IO Bool), Data (IO Data.Generics.Utils.X))
arising from a use of `fmapData' at Examples.hs:32:16-27
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Data (IO Bool), Data (IO Data.Generics.Utils.X))
In the first argument of `mapM', namely `(fmapData not)'
In the first argument of `(>>=)', namely
`mapM (fmapData not) ([] :: [IO Bool])'
In the first argument of `safely', namely
`(mapM (fmapData not) ([] :: [IO Bool]) >>= print)'
No instance for (Data (IO Integer))
arising from a use of `everywhere' at Examples.hs:39:12-59
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Data (IO Integer))
In the second argument of `(=<<)', namely
`everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: IO Integer)'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
print =<< everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: IO Integer)
In the expression:
do putStrLn "-- traverseData examples"
print $ traverseData (Just . not) tuple
print $ traverseData (Just . not) list
traverseData print tuple >>= print
No instance for (Data (() -> Integer))
arising from a use of `everywhere' at Examples.hs:40:12-64
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (Data (() -> Integer))
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: (->) () Integer) ()'
In the expression:
print $ everywhere (mkT inc) (return 0 :: (->) () Integer) ()
In the expression:
do putStrLn "-- traverseData examples"
print $ traverseData (Just . not) tuple
print $ traverseData (Just . not) list
traverseData print tuple >>= print
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