[Hs-Generics] Help with SYB and ext1T
José Pedro Magalhães
jpm at cs.uu.nl
Wed Dec 17 06:37:01 EST 2008
Hey Daniel,
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 00:58, Daniel Drienyovszky
<drienyovszky at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write a generic nominal abstract syntax library, and I
> ran into a problem using ext1T. I asked around at #haskell but no one
> was able to help me, I hope this is not too off topic here.
It's definitely on-topic :-)
> substAbs works just fine by itself, but when I try to combine it with
> something using ext1T, it stops working. I can't figure out what's the
> problem with this, am I doing something wrong?
> *Main> substAbs $ a :\\: a
> Name "a" (Just 1) :\\: Name "a" (Just 1)
> *Main> id `ext1T` substAbs $ a :\\: a
> Name "a" Nothing :\\: Name "a" Nothing
> Here is my code:
> >{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
> >
> >import Data.Generics
> >
> >data Name = Name String (Maybe Int)
> > deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
> >
> >refresh (Name s Nothing) = Name s (Just 1)
> >refresh (Name s (Just i)) = Name s (Just $ i+1)
> >
> >data Abs a = Name :\\: a deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
> >
> >swapName (a,b) x = if a == x then b else
> > if b == x then a else x
> >
> >swap (a,b) = everywhere (mkT $ swapName (a,b))
> >
> >substAbs (n :\\: x) = (m :\\: (x'))
> > where m = refresh n
> > x' = swap (n,m) x
> >
> >a = Name "a" Nothing
> >b = Name "b" Nothing
First, some naming. (I prefer to use undefined instead of id so that we get
an error immediately when it's applied, but it works the same with id)
y, z :: Name
> y = Name "y" Nothing
> z = Name "z" Nothing
> t0, t1, t2 :: Abs Name
> t0 = y :\\: y
> t1 = substAbs $ y :\\: y
> t2 = undefined `ext1T` substAbs $ y :\\: y
Now let's expand t2 to see what's happening:
newtype T x = T { unT :: x -> x } -- defined in Data.Generics.Aliases, not
> exported
> -- ext1T def ext = unT ((T def) `ext1` (T ext))
> t3 :: Abs Name -> Abs Name
> t3 = unT (ext1 undefined (T substAbs))
> ext1 :: (Data a, Typeable1 t) -- defined in Data.Generics.Aliases, not
> exported
> => c a
> -> (forall d. Data d => c (t d))
> -> c a
> ext1 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast1 ext)
> t4 :: Abs Name -> Abs Name
> t4 = unT (maybe undefined id (dataCast1 (T substAbs)))
Now, according to the documentation of dataCast1 (
it should be defined as gcast1:
t5 :: Abs Name -> Abs Name
> t5 = unT (maybe undefined id (gcast1 (T substAbs)))
And then it all works:
> t6 :: Abs Name
> t6 = t5 t0
t6 is the same as t1. The problem is that dataCast1 is apparently not
defined as such, but instead keeps the default definition of const Nothing.
This is obviously not what is wanted here, and so you get the behavior of
This can been seen if we dump the generated Data instances. For some common
{-# OPTIONS -ddump-deriv #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
> module Test where
> import Data.Generics
> data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving (Data, Typeable)
> data Pair a b = Pair a b deriving (Data, Typeable)
We can see that the generated instances for these datatypes do not define
(respectively) dataCast1 and dataCast2, but they should.
So Daniel, a solution is to give your own instance of Data Abs:
instance (Data a) => Data (Abs a) where
> gfoldl f z (x :\\: y) = z (:\\:) `f` x `f` y
> gunfold k z c = k (k (z (:\\:)))
> dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
And now t1 behaves as t2. However, I believe the deriving mechanism should
have derived the correct instance for you...
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