[Hs-Generics] SYB's StringRep behavior

José Pedro Magalhães jpm at cs.uu.nl
Mon Dec 8 07:33:23 EST 2008


SYB uses DataRep to represent datatypes:

-- | Public representation of datatypes
> data DataRep = AlgRep [Constr]
>              | IntRep
>              | FloatRep
>              | StringRep
>              | NoRep

Am I right to believe that StringRep should be CharRep? Note that IntRep is
used for the primitives Int and Integer datatypes, FloatRep for Float and
Double, and StringRep (apparently) for Char. String, however, is represented
as 'AlgRep [[],(:)]':

*Main> dataTypeOf 'p'
> DataType {tycon = "Prelude.Char", datarep = StringRep}
> *Main> dataTypeOf "p"
> DataType {tycon = "Prelude.[]", datarep = AlgRep [[],(:)]}

This makes sense, since String is not a primitive datatype. But it causes
the apparently wrong behavior:

> *Main> fromConstr (mkStringConstr (dataTypeOf "a") "ab") :: String
> "*** Exception: mkStringConstr
> *Main> fromConstr (mkStringConstr (dataTypeOf 'a') "ab") :: String
> "*** Exception: constrIndex

The correct way of using mkStringConstr is to construct a Char. This,
however, only works for strings with a single character:

*Main> fromConstr (mkStringConstr (dataTypeOf 'a') "b")  :: Char
> 'b'
> *Main> fromConstr (mkStringConstr (dataTypeOf 'a') "ab") :: Char
> *** Exception: gunfold
> *Main> fromConstr (mkStringConstr (dataTypeOf 'a') "")   :: Char
> *** Exception: gunfold

Wouldn't it be more clear if StringRep would be named CharRep and
mkStringConstr named mkCharConstr?

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