[Hs-Generics] patch applied (generics): Split up Higher order test and added SYB cases.

Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev alexey at cs.uu.nl
Thu Oct 25 08:49:30 EDT 2007

Mon Oct 22 08:25:31 PDT 2007  Alexey Rodriguez <alexey at cs.uu.nl>
  * Split up Higher order test and added SYB cases.
  The Higher Orderness test is split into two tests.
  Test 1 does not need ad-hoc cases but Test 2 does, check sources.
  Also added SYB instances of the test.

     ./comparison/TestHigherOrder.exp -> ./comparison/TestHigherOrder1.exp
     ./comparison/TestHigherOrder.lhs -> ./comparison/TestHigherOrder1.lhs
    M ./comparison/LIGD/GShow.lhs -1 +3
    M ./comparison/SYB1_2/GShow.lhs -1 +5
    M ./comparison/TestHigherOrder1.exp -1 +1
    M ./comparison/TestHigherOrder1.lhs -2 +5
    A ./comparison/TestHigherOrder2.exp
    A ./comparison/TestHigherOrder2.lhs
    M ./comparison/test.hs -1 +1

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