[Hs-Generics] Sample code
Stephanie Weirich
sweirich at cis.upenn.edu
Wed Oct 25 11:37:41 EDT 2006
I completely agree that we should collect some example code. I've
started to
create a testsuite containing a few of the tests that you mention below.
However, when designing this suite, we need to be as specific as
possible about
what a specific example shows, and what "counts" as an implementation
of that
I've got a few starting tests, based on Ralf's webpage and Bruno's
examples for LIGD, SYB1&2 and RepLib. I'll check these in soon.
Stupid question: how do I add to the repository? (I've done "darcs
add" and
"darcs record", what's next?)
Each test is in a separate directory containing a Makefile, source
code, and sample output. Saying "make" builds the test with GHC
(tested with 6.5.2 on my machine), executes it
(saving the output to a file "tmp.stdout") and then compares the
output with "test.stdout".
Even with these simple test, I have a few questions. The tests I have
so far are:
geq - generic equality
- Must this be "extensible/specializable" to count? (If so, cannot
do with LIGD, SYB1/2.
- Must this be "extensible/specializable" to count? (If so, cannot
do with LIGD, SYB1/2).
- Must this match "deriving Show" to count? (If so, should be
updated for LIGD.)
- Must all versions produce the *same* binary format. This seems
like a potentially
unfair comparison as small details (constructor order in view)
can make significant
I propose we let each version choose its own binary form,
perhaps encouraging each
to produce the most compact format possible, while still
requiring fromBin . toBin = id.
(Currently, SYB doesn't use XBitz because I just copied the
example from Ralf's page,
but I'd like to change that.)
- An example from Ralf's SYB webpage. Accumulate all ints in a
tree. Then accumulate
only those ints wrapped with the "Leaf" constructor.
- Another of Ralf's examples. Should the LIGD version count?
For all of these examples, there is the question of what tests to run
for each.
geq, gshow, bits and paradise currently work for the
"CompanyDatatypes" (I extended LIGD to cover floats). foldTree works
for a specific Tree. Perhaps future examples can stress other datatypes.
Other extensions that we need are some test harness to run all of
these tests and create a summary
of which frameworks have which tests.
On Oct 21, 2006, at 4:58 AM, oleg at pobox.com wrote:
> Hello!
> I wonder if we should collect some example code and make it
> presentable. By that I mean there should be the classification of the
> example, brief description, and, mainly, sample test data and the
> expected results. And, of course, implementations for these examples
> in various generic programming approaches. Incidentally, the
> `expressibility' section in the library description can simply
> enumerate which examples the library can implement. _Some_ of the
> examples may become the part of the benchmarking suite (at this point
> I'm simply interested in what is possible).
> Here's what I have gleaned so far, from a couple of SYB
> papers and the code already in DARCS:
> generic show: essential type is t -> String
> [I say essential because there may be additional arguments, say, for
> type representation]
> Description: display the term; special processing for Strings,
> as opposed to general arrays.
> Category: closed Cartesian [sorry, couldn't resist]
> I mean, `consumer', reduce a generic term to a value of the
> fixed type, String.
> LIGD has the implementation; no test data though.
> generic size: essential type t -> Int
> Give the size of a term (in terms of data constructors). The
> user should be able to assign size matrix to specific data types (like
> strings).
> Category: consumer, reduce a generic term to a value of the
> fixed type, Int.
> SYB3 example, also used in Smash. I have test data and
> expected results (part of syb4.hs)
> This example is quite similar to gshow above; I personally
> prefer this over gshow, because the Show class already provides
> the latter, so it's hard to get excited over gshow.
> Salary Raise: essential type t -> t
> Transform a term (representing an `organization' or an XML document)
> into the term of the same type, but with different values of some
> primitive fields.
> Ralf's dream example, from SYB1.
> category: type-preserving transformer
> Variation: uniform transformation (raise everybody's salary by
> 10%); or the transformation should affect only specific parts of the
> term. Transformation can be context-independent (increment each float
> field by 10%) or context- (that is, traversal history)
> dependent (increment each float until the money runs out).
> Test data can be extracted from Ralf's web site.
> generic minimum: essential type t
> Provides the 'minimal' value of any term in the universe of
> discourse.
> category: pure producer
> Variation: functional term may or may not be handled.
> LIGD example. test data can be easily extracted from it.
> Replace all Ints with Floats in a term: essential type t -> t'
> where t' = f(t).
> category: transformer, to a term of a different type. The
> output type is the function of the input type.
> variation: replace all Ints with Floats and negate all
> booleans, in a single traversal (that is, `compose' multiple
> compatible processing steps)
> Smash example; test data are available in the syb4.hs
> generic equality: essential type t -> t -> Bool
> category: binary function over two generic arguments of the
> same type.
> Variation: try essential type t -> t' -> Bool
> Variation: permit the user supply their own comparison
> procedure for some data types
> Variation: local extensibility [as explained in Stefan Holdermans]
> LIGD example (including specific comparison of integers mod
> 2). Need test data though.
> something of the type t1 -> t2 -> t3 where
> t3 = f(t1, t2). Generalization of zip/zipWith. I have never
> seen that example.
> Obviously a lot is missing in the above -- in particular, good
> names for the examples, and the test data. And the idea how to
> organize the files with examples and test data within our DARCS
> repository.
> Stephanie Weirich wrote:
>> For the latter, we talk about the ability to use the library with
>> types that contain
>> records
>> nested datatypes
>> higher-kinded types (what kinds?)
>> datatypes with existential components (both of kind type and
>> higher kinds)
>> datatypes with first-class polymorphic components (both of kind
>> type and higher kinds)
>> above with class constraints
>> GADTs (simple, and those that subsume existentials...)
>> datatypes with higher-kinded type arguments
> I'd inline this dimension into each of the above example. But we need
> test data...
> Cheers,
> Oleg
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