[Freebsd-haskell] The point about bsd.haskell.org

Jacula Modyun jacula at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 10:44:57 EDT 2009

Hi all, again <|8-),

the reference for this email is my old email:


I said:

> I'm working at the integration of ghc-6.10.1 into the bsd.haskell.mk, and
> I think that all this will be ready on the 28th February.

I installed, in many different jails, many different solution about the
combination of:


and my conclusions are:

- The bsd.haskell.mk doesn't need many changes.
- Most of the haskell ports can be installed with ghc-6.10.1;
  This work needs some patches.
- In my own opinion It's a laborious work to integrate ghc-6.8.3/ghc-6.10.1
  and these kind of patches, but possible.
- I cannot make any real change or real prevision about bsd.haskell.mk until
  the ghc branch isn't defined:


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 02:35:14PM -0500, Samy Al Bahra <sbahra at applicative.org> wrote:

> I'm working on the GHC things. :-)

I have to wait :-*

Jacula Modyun

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