[Freebsd-haskell] [PATCH 7/9] x11-wm/xmonad-contrib:

Jacula Modyun jacula at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 09:40:26 EDT 2009

- standardized pkg-descr

- corrected profile dependence in the Makefile

- made haddock noiseless

- added utf8 support

- added xft support
 x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/Makefile  |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/pkg-descr |    5 ++-
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/Makefile b/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/Makefile
index 4806c33..1f02279 100644
--- a/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/Makefile
+++ b/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/Makefile
@@ -21,4 +21,75 @@ RUN_DEPENDS=	xmonad:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xmonad
 USE_XORG=	x11
 USE_CABAL=	distrsimple:full docs lhs hc:bothdep profile:all:full
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
+OPTIONS=	 UTF8 "Enable Utf8 support" off \
+		 XFT "Use Xft to render text" off
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+.if !defined(NO_PROFILE)
+PROFILE_DEPENDS=	libHSX11-%%ver%%:${PORTSDIR}/x11/hs-x11-ghc
+.if !defined(WITH_UTF8)
+CHECK_UTF8!=	${GHC-PKG} list utf8-string --simple-output 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}
+. if !empty(CHECK_UTF8)
+IGNORE=		\n\t The port devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc is installed but the\n
+IGNORE+=	\t option WITH_UTF8 is unsetted; so you have to unregister\n
+IGNORE+=	\t temporarily the utf8-string distribution, before installing it:\n
+IGNORE+=	\t\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc && make do-unregister\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib && make install\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc && make do-register\n
+IGNORE+=	\t\n
+IGNORE+=	\t You have to pay attention and to follow exactly this\n
+IGNORE+=	\t procedure, because this change can alter in an unforeseen\n
+IGNORE+=	\t way your Haskell/Haddock system.\n\c
+. endif
+.if !defined(WITH_XFT)
+CHECK_XFT!=	${GHC-PKG} list X11-xft --simple-output 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}
+. if !empty(CHECK_XFT)
+IGNORE=		\n\t The port x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc is installed but the\n
+IGNORE+=	\t option WITH_XFT is unsetted; so you have to unregister\n
+IGNORE+=	\t temporarily the X11-xft distribution, before installing it:\n
+IGNORE+=	\t\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc && make do-unregister\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib && make install\n
+IGNORE+=	\t - cd ${PORTSDIR}/x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc && make do-register\n
+IGNORE+=	\t\n
+IGNORE+=	\t You have to pay attention and to follow exactly this\n
+IGNORE+=	\t procedure, because this change can alter in an unforeseen\n
+IGNORE+=	\t way your Haskell/Haddock system.\n\c
+. endif
+.if defined(WITH_UTF8)
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc>=0.3.4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc
+. if !defined(NO_PROFILE)
+PROFILE_DEPENDS+=	libHSutf8-string-%%ver%%:${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc
+. endif
+.if defined(WITH_XFT)
+. if !defined(WITH_UTF8)
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc>=0.3.4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc
+.  if !defined(NO_PROFILE)
+PROFILE_DEPENDS+=	libHSutf8-string-%%ver%%:${PORTSDIR}/devel/hs-utf8-string-ghc
+.  endif
+. endif
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		hs-x11-xft-ghc>=0.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc
+. if !defined(NO_PROFILE)
+PROFILE_DEPENDS+=	libHSX11-xft-%%ver%%:${PORTSDIR}/x11/hs-x11-xft-ghc
+. endif
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/pkg-descr b/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/pkg-descr
index 13ac4a4..0935729 100644
--- a/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/pkg-descr
+++ b/x11-wm/xmonad-contrib/pkg-descr
@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ In particular:
 * XMonad.Doc.Developing, introduction to xmonad internals and
   writing your own extensions.
-WWW:	http://www.xmonad.org/
+Author:		Spencer Janssen
+Maintainer:	spencerjanssen at gmail.com
+License:	BSD3
+WWW:		http://www.xmonad.org/

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