[Freebsd-haskell] GHC 6.10.4 on AMD64 architecture.

Ashish SHUKLA wahjava.ml at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 23:26:01 EDT 2009

Hi all,

With the help of the Jacula, I'm able to build an AMD64 version of GHC
using ports mechanism. The shar file[1] contains the GHC port which
will generate the bootstrap GHC which is required for installing the
lang/ghc port[2]. This file is originally provided by Jacula, which I
later modified.

The diff file[3] contains the updated port which includes support for amd64

To use these files, follow the steps below:

1. Extract the shar file in a directory and change to it.
2. Execute 'make' which will build bootstrap GHC 6.10.4 using bootstrap
  GHC 6.8.3 and generate a tarball containing it in the $WRKSRC directory.
3. Copy the generated file in $PORTSDIR/distfiles directory.
4. Create a copy of port lang/ghc in a new directory and change to it.
5. Patch it using the attached diff, i.e. patch -p1 <~/ghc-6.10.4.diff
6. Edit 'Makefile' and update the name of your tarball.
7. Execute 'make makesum' to regenerate the checksums.
8. Execute 'make install' (as root user) to install the GHC.

Upload your bootstrap GHC tarball somewhere so it can be included in the
updated port. ATM, I've generated a bootstrap tarball for FreeBSD 8.0
(amd64) which I'll upload somewhere soon.

[1]  http://filebin.ca/tcermz/ghc683.shar
[2]  http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/137055
[3]  http://filebin.ca/njaoa/ghc-6.10.4.diff

"`This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking 
low over his beer, `I never could get the hang of 

- Arthur, on what was to be his last Thursday on Earth. 
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