Allocation & Marshalling Question (again)
Adrian Hey
ahey at
Wed May 28 05:10:50 EDT 2003
Judging by the silence that greeted my last posts re this a couple of weeks
ago I suspect this is of no interest to anyone but me :-(
An extra couple of weeks cogitation on this hasn't really changed MHO much
(other than I'm no longer so pessimistic about the safety of my <+ operator).
Seeing as the FFI seems to be close to finalization I thought I'd have
another go. So excuse me if this seems half baked, but am I the only one who
thinks the type signatures of utilities like this..
allocaBytes :: Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
..are rather inconvenient?
allocaBytes :: Int -> (Ptr a -> b) -> b more useful?
To get around this I defined an operator..
infixl 0 <+
(<+) :: (Ptr a -> b) -> ((Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b) -> b
f <+ alloc = unsafePerformIO $ alloc $ \p -> return $ f p
(Actually I now think the type of <+ should be..
(<+) :: (a -> b) -> ((a -> IO b) -> IO b) -> b it will work with functions like withCStringLen)
This seems to work, but I wasn't entirely comfortable with its safety due to
the use of unsafePerformIO.
Anyway, perhaps there's a good reason for things having been done this
way, but right now I can't see it. So could somebody who understands the
reasons for the FFI design decisions and underlying implementation explain
why a change such as I have suggested could not or should not be made?
Possible explanations that occur to me are..
1- It's technically impossible.
2- It's unnecessary because FFI users can define their own contraptions like
<+ if they want them, assuming the use of unsafePerformIO in this context
really is safe (and unsafePerformIO is available).
3- It's undesirable because the existing forms are better in some way.
4- It's undesirable because it would break existing code (not true AFAICS).
Adrian Hey
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