New Bound Threads Proposal

Wolfgang Thaller wolfgang.thaller at
Tue May 6 09:19:17 EDT 2003

> Thus motivated, I've sketched Proposal 4, which is a sort of 
> combinatory
> of P2 and P3.   Much simpler than P2, but addressing the concerns
> Wolfgang raises.
> The main difference relative to P3 is that a Haskell thread is
> 	either unbound
> 	or bound to a native thread N
> Like P2, it has the property that at most one Haskell thread can be
> bound to a native thread N.  Also like P1 and P2, the unbound Haskell
> threads can be executed one-per-native-thread, or by a pool of worker
> native threads, as you please.
> Unlike P2, there is no notion of an "associated" native thread, or of
> "temporary binding" of a Haskell thread to a native thread.
> Details in CVS, and in a Postscript file that I'll send separately (I'm
> having trouble with my externally-visible web site).
> Wolfgang, does this help?

Yes, it definitely helps. It seems to be equivalent to "P1, but all 
foreign exports are bound".

Some remarks:
*) forkOS needn't be a primitive, it can be implemented via the FFI (cf 
Section 3.2, first Proposal).
*) The semantics should probably have an (END) rule that specifies that 
a thread created using forkIO can just end (without returning anywhere).
*) We should perhaps add a primitive for querying whether the current 
thread is bound or not.
This can be used for writing combinators that use forkOS only when 
necessary to make sure that we can access a foreign API that uses 
thread-local state.
*) I don't think that a bindToOS primitive is really necessary, 
emulating it using forkIO shouldn't be noticably slower, IMO.
*) We might sacrifice a little performance by making all foreign 
exports "bound". That should be paid back in simplicity. Hardcore 
hackers can always use forkIO to move work to a lightweight thread.

One issue remains however (and that's the topic of the rest of this 
e-mail); what to do about broken libraries that treat the "main" OS 
thread (i.e. the one that static initializers are run in) as special?
This really happens; in fact both of Apple's GUI APIs are that 
brain-dead in the current version of Mac OS X.

In P2, that was the reason for "associating" the "main" Haskell thread 
to the "main" IO thread. The costs for that are negligible in P2, but 
_binding_ the "main" Haskell thread to the "main" OS thread might be 
overkill (or it might not be, see below).

If we don't bind the main thread, we will need some other way to get 
access to it:
For the GHC implementation, it would probably be possible to "trick" 
the implementation into using the "main" OS thread using something like 

main = main'

foreigh import "foo" main' :: IO ()
foreign export "foo" main'' :: IO ()

main'' = ...

_IF_ the implementation behaves the way I think the GHC implementation 
will, then main'' will be bound to the "main" OS thread. (The FFI 
business could of course be put in a combinator useMainOSThread or 
But that doesn't necessarily work for all implementations, so perhaps 
we'd have to add it to the semantics somehow...

Now if we do bind the main thread, what are the costs?

If we had

main = forkIO doLongComputation >> doAnotherLongComputation

there'd be OS thread switching going on. To optimize that, we'd have to 

main = do
	forkIO doLongComputation
	mv <- newEmptyMVar
	forIO (doAnotherLongComputation >> putMVar mv ())
	takeMVar mv

... so that there'd be no OS thread switching.

So, our options seem to be

1) bind the "main" Haskell thread to the "main" OS thread
2) don't bind the "main" Haskell thread to the "main" OS thread
	2a) complicate the system by adding a way to access the "main" OS 
	2b) keep the system simple, use the hack I described above for GHC 
programs that use Apple's libraries, and hope that Apple fixes it's 
libraries before people want to use them with other implementations of 
proposal4 where the hack doesn't work.

OK, that's all..



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