need help with ffi function pointers

David Sankel camio at
Sun Mar 2 14:42:34 EST 2003

--- Wolfgang Thaller <wolfgang.thaller at> wrote:
> foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkCallback :: IO ()
> -> FunPtr (IO ())
> foreign import ccall "f_setCallback" f_setCallback
> :: FunPtr (IO ()) -> 
> IO ()
> setCallback cb = mkCallback cb >>= f_setCallback

Thanks for the help.  Is there a ghc bug with wrappers
like this?  Compiling that code gives me:

    Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration:
FunPtr (IO ())
    When checking declaration:
        foreign import ccall safe "wrapper" mkCallback
:: IO ()
   -> FunPtr (IO ())


David J. Sankel

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