How to access defines and enums in a convenient way?

Martin Norbäck d95mback at
Fri Jun 6 08:10:00 EDT 2003

fre 2003-06-06 klockan 12.06 skrev Alastair Reid:
> > You want to use a tool to make all this easier.  There are various tools
> > available: green-card, c2hs, and hsc2hs are the most commonly-used ones
> > these days.
> > Alastair Reid wrote a good comparison of the various tools
> > (can't remember the link off hand though).
> It is in:
> I've been trying to update it recently so there's some new answers to FAQs but 
> there's also some empty sections where I plan to write something but haven't 
> yet.

hsc2hs solved my problem! It would be even greater if ghc --make could
accept .hsc as source and not generate a .hs file at all, like it does
with .lhs. hsc2hs is distributed with ghc after all.

I actually could persuade ghc to do almost what I want by writing this
little wrapper (hscwrapper):

hsc2hs $2 -o $3

then simply write .chs code directly in the .hs file and calling 
ghc -pgmF hscwrapper -F --make

However, -pgmF is a static option (why is that?) so I can't put it in
the .hs file. This means hsc2hs has to be run for all files and the
compilation goes a bit slower.



Martin Norbäck          d95mback at              
Kapplandsgatan 40       +46 (0)708 26 33 60                    
S-414 78  GÖTEBORG
SWEDEN                  OpenPGP ID: 3FA8580B

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