More Finaliser Trouble

Ashley Yakeley ashley at
Sun Jul 13 04:15:09 EDT 2003

How do I pass a parameter to a finaliser? The pointer itself does not 
have enough information to run the finaliser, I need an extra parameter 
available at the time the pointer is created.

This was easy to do when I could write finalisers in Haskell, of course, 
since I could just apply the parameter to my finaliser function to get a 
finaliser that had the correct type. This is what it looked like:

  foreign import ccall "JVMBridge.h JVMBridge_DeleteGlobalRefGC"
    rawDeleteGlobalRefGC :: JavaVM -> RawGlobalRef -> IO ();

  vm <- rawGetJavaVM ?jvmenv;
  gref <- newForeignPtr rgref (rawDeleteGlobalRefGC vm
   (MkRawGlobalRef rgref));
  return (MkVMRef gref);

But with the new FFI I can't do this so easily. How would I pass the 
'vm' parameter to a finaliser which is only allowed to look at the 
'rgref' pointer?

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

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