White space in ccall impents

Ian Lynagh igloo at earth.li
Tue Nov 5 19:04:22 EST 2002

On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 09:53:52PM +0000, Alastair Reid wrote:
> If it isn't spelled out explicitly already, it would be good to do that.

How about something like this?

Maximal munch applies.

token -> special | "&" | fname | cid | whitespace
special -> "static" | "dynamic" | "wrapper"
fname -> ... ".h"              (... as I don't have [3] handy)
cid -> ... excluding special   (... as I don't have [3] handy)
whitespace -> { ' ' | '\t' }

...strip whitespace tokens...

ccall_impent -> [ "static" ] [ fname ] [ & ] [ cid | special ]
              | "dynamic"
              | "wrapper"


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