FFI Report, CVS Id 1.11

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Thu Sep 6 08:21:28 EDT 2001

> > The implementation is just something like
> >    addIOErrorLocAndPath loc path io 
> >            = catch io (\err -> ioError err{loc=loc,path=path})
> This reminds me of _scc_: 
> 1) We're annotating the code with programmer-meaningful annotations
>    which are then used at runtime to help them understand program
>    behaviour.
> 2) It has the same nested behaviour as _scc_
> 3) Just as stacks of cost centres are useful for profiling, it'd be
>    useful to have stacks of error locations.  
>    When you print an IOError, you'd get a list of (nested) error
>    locations - it'd feel a lot like the stack dumps you get from 
>    Java.

Right, but there's another issue here: we don't particularly want to
expose the names of functions in the innards of the I/O library when we
generate an IOError.  The only piece of information that it of any use
to a consumer of the library is the function that he/she called.

The full stack trace is of course highly useful when debugging a
library, though.  In GHC, you *can* get the stack trace info when an
exception is raised - you have to compile the program with profiling and
-auto-all, and then run it with +RTS -xc (I think).  We've also
considered having a programatic interface to enable the CCS to be
captured and treated as a first class object in Haskell, but we haven't
got around to implementing it yet.


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