Again: FFI syntax
Sven Panne
Sven.Panne at
Sat May 12 07:05:02 EDT 2001
It's weekend and so it's time for a new syntax proposal... :-)
After the recent clarification of the role of "import" and "export" and
a few other suggestions, here's my next shot:
topdecl : 'foreign' impexp callconv extent var '::' type
impexp : 'import'
| 'export'
callconv : <empty> -- defaulting to 'ccall'
| 'ccall'
| 'stdcall'
| 'cplusplus'
| 'jvm'
| 'dotnet'
extent : string -- Wake this optional? Which default then?
Syntax for ccall/stdcall's import extent:
extent : 'static' safety cid include -- former f.i.
| 'dynimp' safety -- former f.i.d.
| 'dynexp' -- former f.e.d.
| '&' cid include -- former f.l.
safety : <empty>
| '!' -- means "never re-enters Haskell world"
include : <empty>
| '<' <anything but '>'>* '>'
| <anything but '<'> <anything>*
Syntax for ccall/stdcall's export extent:
extent : cid
I don't have very strong feelings about other names for "dynimp"/"dynexp",
so I'll leave this to the native speakers.
An open point is the last case of the include production: Should we
implicitly wrap double quotes around it or not? I don't really like
such implicit things, but
foreign import ccall "static !myproc \"myinclude.h\"" myProc :: ...
could look a little bit funny because of the backslashes. Again, I don't
really mind about that topic. But I'm against implicitly suffixing with
'.h' in any case.
The story above has a few advantages compared to the last proposal:
* import/export explicitly tell you (= the compiler :-) if a new
Haskell name is introduced or not, without inspecting extent.
* Silly combinations like "an unsafe label" or "a dynamic import with
a given C-name" don't exist.
* It's (hopefully) more mnemonic, e.g. '&' reminds one of the C address-of
operator, and '!' suggests something inherently dangerous.
Comments? We should really come to an agreement on the syntax soon...
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