Let's get this finished
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat Jan 6 05:58:26 EST 2001
Sven Panne <Sven.Panne at informatik.uni-muenchen.de> wrote,
> I think we all agree now that malloc & friend can be written in H98 +
> FFI, so the only question is how they should be implemented in
> hslibs. The variant which uses local definitions instead of pattern
> type signatures is nicer IMHO because it *is* H98 and given GHC's
> optimizations, it doesn't make any performance difference. In general
> we should make hslibs as H98-conforming as possible and remove most
> GHCisms. For performance there's always #ifdef (well, at least if we
> consider piping Haskell sources through cpp as "standard"/H98).
If hslibs is meant to be used with systems other than ghc,
too - which I think was the idea - there is no choice but to
rewrite it into H98. But I guess this is essentially up to
Mr. HsLibs aka SimonM.
> -- MarshalArray ------------------------------------------------------
> !!!!! The current MarshalUtils uses
> !!!!! peekArray :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO [a]
> !!!!! but the signature below looks more consistent with peekArray0:
> peekArray :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> IO [a]
> peekArray0 :: (Storable a, Eq a) => a -> Ptr a -> IO [a]
Sounds reasonable to me.
> -- MarshalString -----------------------------------------------------
> !!!!! I'm with Marcin here: Let's keep things simple and do not
> !!!!! provide an opaque type CString here. We can't guess all
> !!!!! possible uses, so a type synonym would be the right thing
> !!!!! here. Using a pointer/length combo is quite common, too,
> !!!!! so this deserves another type synonym. Note that some
> !!!!! functions below look a bit strange, but symmetry rulez! :-)
> !!!!! Charset conversions are a diff{erent,icult} story and should
> !!!!! be handled by a separate module, so only the well-known
> !!!!! ignore-the-upper-half variants are given here.
> type CString = Ptr CChar
> type CStringLen = (CString, Int)
Hmmm, yes, although pointer/length pairs are not very common
in C and this module is a language dependent module (and so
should be called `MarshalCString').
> -- MarshalError ------------------------------------------------------
> !!!!! Haven't thought very deeply about this, but Marcin's QErrors
> !!!!! probably looks OK after a little polishing (use strerror,
> !!!!! provide a more complete throwXXX family, ...). And remember:
> !!!!! errno *is* a thread-local thing. :-)
But SimonM said that he doesn't want to make errno Haskell
thread local...
> -- MarshalConv -------------------------------------------------------
> !!!!! I can't see a compelling reason for this module, neither what
> !!!!! exactly should belong here. ISO C defines a mapping to 0/1,
> !!!!! which can easily be captured by fromBool/toBool (in MarshalUtils
> !!!!! below). Maybe is handled there, too.
Ok - as this module doesn't seem to enjoy much support,
let's just drop it. I can do my only little weird
experiments in C2HS.
> -- MarshalUtils ------------------------------------------------------
> fromBool :: Num a => Bool -> a
> fromBool = fromIntegral . fromEnum
> toBool :: Num a => a -> Bool
> toBool = (/= 0)
Ok, let's do it like this, then.
> withObject :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
BTW, can't we just use `with' now. IIRC, the only reason
Marcin used `withObject' was because of a clash with the
implicit parameter extension. This has been changed now,
hasn't it?
> !!!!! Example usages:
> !!!!! do ...
> !!!!! mbInt <- maybeNull peek ptr1
> !!!!! mbString <- maybeNull peekCString ptr2
> !!!!! .....
> !!!!! maybeNothing withObject Nothing $ \ptr -> ...
> !!!!! maybeNothing withCString (Just "foo!") $ \ptr -> ...
> !!!!!
> !!!!! Does anybody have better names for these two functions?
> !!!!! They sound OK for me, but I'm not a native speaker...
> maybeNull :: (Ptr a -> IO b) -> Ptr a -> IO (Maybe b)
> maybeNull f ptr | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing
> | otherwise = liftM Just $ f ptr
> maybeNothing :: (a -> (Ptr b -> IO c) -> IO c) -> (Maybe a -> (Ptr b -> IO c) -> IO c)
> maybeNothing = maybe ($ nullPtr)
This is also along the lines of what Marcin proposed. So,
let's use it.
> !!!!! Do we really need this?
> indexPtr :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a
I didn't need it yet. Marcin, what did you use the function
> As Manuel already wrote it's a good idea to leave C2HS's marshX
> routines out and to re-export all the modules above, but should this
> be done via a new module Marshal or should Foreign do this? Should
> Marshal re-export Foreign or vice-versa? Hmmm...
I was thinking of an extra module mainly because the
MarshalXXX code is system independent - in contrast to the
code in `Foreign'. However, we may also just let Foreign
do the whole job. Thinking about it again, I doubt that
anybody will ever import one module, but not the other -
so, let's make Foreign export the whole lot.
There is one exception: MarshalCString shouldn't be
re-exported by Foreign (like CTypes).
> And just a final topic which really should be settled:
> "Marshal" or "Marshall"?? :-}
I would have taken the latter, but I think, SimonM
originally proposed the name MarshalUtils with one "l" and
as he is the native speaker...
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