FFI Report, CVS Id 1.11

Simon Marlow simonmar at microsoft.com
Thu Aug 30 12:43:44 EDT 2001

> > The addIOError functions are very useful.  Quite often an error is
> > generated by throwErrno in a function which is a long way 
> from the one
> > which the consumer of a library initially called; for 
> example when I get
> > an error from Directory.renameFile I want the error message to say
> > "Directory.renameFile" and contain the filename that I passed to
> > renameFile.  So you'd implement renameFile as
> > 
> > renameFile file1 file2 = 
> >   addIOErrorLocAndPath "Directoy.renameFile" file1 $ do
> >    ...
> I understand what you want to achieve, but I am not really
> sure yet that it the right way.  Basically, you propose to
> maintain an implicit state that stores information that
> should go into the next error message, right?

No, nothing that complicated.  The implementation is just something like

   addIOErrorLocAndPath loc path io = 
      catch io (\err -> ioError err{loc=loc,path=path})

but we can't write that at the moment because the IOError type is
abstract.  Perhaps the right thing to do is to push this down to a lower
level and provide a family of functions like

	replaceIOErrorPath :: IOError -> FilePath -> IOError

or even to specify that IOError is a record type with at least certain
fields.  I don't mind which we do, as long as there's a portable way to
modify these fields in an IOError.

> Can't this
> lead to unexpected results unless everybody is very
> disciplined about how to use this feature.  Especially, when
> a function has more than one potential failure point, I am
> concerned that the context may be misleading.

Yes, it could lead to unexpected results if used incorrectly.  You need
to establish a convention for the location/path information in an
IOError.  But the current situation is inconvenient - to do the right
thing you have to pass this information around in order to plug it into
a throwErrno call that might be several layers deep.  And there's
currently no way to plug in the path info at all.

I prefer to attach the information where it is known, using something
like addIOErrorLocAndPath - that's a more modular approach, after all.


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