[Haskell & FP in Education] Welcome and introductions

Pedro Vasconcelos pbv at dcc.fc.up.pt
Fri Dec 21 15:32:14 UTC 2018

n never.

Hello all,

My name is Pedro Vasconcelos and I am an auxiliary lecturer at the
University of Porto. We teach introductory FP to CS and CE undergraduate
students using Haskell (around 150-170 new students every year). I have
lectured that introductory course (but not currently) and also an
optional "Advanced FP" course at the MsC level.

To try to bring some FP goodness to teaching other programming
languages, I've developed a Haskell library and a web system
for generating feedback to C programming exercises using QuickCheck
testing; this is used by 200-300 students the CS department of the
Faculty of Science of the University of Porto.



I'm also interested in learning about experiences in connecting FP
with the CS curricula in general. While I enjoy teaching Haskell to 1st
year students (and some really like it), I have found that most students
don't get to use FP in later courses (apart from the odd student doing
compilers/PL projects in Haskell). 



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