[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): rename the directories under src/ less redundantly

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Thu May 3 09:46:19 EDT 2007

Thu May  3 06:38:08 PDT 2007  Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
  * rename the directories under src/ less redundantly

     ./src/hatlib -> ./src/lib
     ./src/hattools -> ./src/tools
     ./src/hattrans -> ./src/trans
    M ./Makefile -26 +26
    M ./Makefile.bat -9 +9
    M ./configure -2 +2
    M ./src/lib/Makefile -2 +2
    M ./src/lib/hat.cabal -1 +1
    M ./src/tools/Makefile -1 +1
    M ./src/trans/Makefile -1 +1

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