[cvs-nhc98] Re: Package versioning confusion

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Mon Apr 2 20:31:28 EDT 2007

> On Monday 02 April 2007 15:44, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> > Done (although with some reluctance due to the general network slowness
> > of darcs.haskell.org).  In the new darcs-all, I am very keen to retain
> > the ability to use package repos stored elsewhere (not at
> > darcs.haskell.org).
> Thanks, that was quick. We can add general URL handling later, but initially I 
> don't want to open too many cans of worms at once. :-)
> > >  * Finally, I am utterly confused by the fps package:
> > > Using it currently must  be a nightmare for packagers/users due to
> > > this versionitis... :-/
> >
> > Yup.  To reduce this confusion, I would very much like fps to remain
> > separate from base, and that is one reason (but not the only one) why
> > nhc98 does not build or export the version of Data.ByteString in base.
> :-/ That's the exact opposite of Don's intention, if I interpret today's mails 
> correctly. So I'd like to propose that for the time being, we keep 
> the "internal" version, fix it so it works with all implementations and leave 
> the rest of the fps Jihad to future generations, where everything is a 
> separate package, world hunger is solved, and all taxes are abolished... :-}

Yes, it will be a shiny new world order! And hackage will rule us all.

-- Don

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