[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Various fixes - now includes patched hat-delta and hat-detect; along with now working versions of pretty-hat and hat-anim

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 07:33:32 EDT 2006

Tue May  2 09:37:24 PDT 2006  tatd2
  * Various fixes - now includes patched hat-delta and hat-detect; along with now working versions of pretty-hat and hat-anim

    M ./src/hatlib/Data/FiniteMap.hs +10
    M ./src/hatlib/Data/Set.hs +11
    M ./src/hattools/Detect.hs -24 +40
    M ./src/hattools/EDT.hs -18 +26
    M ./src/hattools/HatAnim.hs -174 +59
    M ./src/hattools/HatDelta.hs -33 +34
    M ./src/hattools/LowLevel.hs +2
    M ./src/hattools/Makefile -2 +2
    M ./src/hattools/NodeExp.hs -61 +120
    M ./src/hattools/Pretty.hs -27 +31
    M ./src/hattools/PrettyHat.hs -14 +31
    M ./src/hattools/SExp.hs -19 +79
    M ./src/hattools/Slice.hs -8 +5
    M ./src/hattools/artutils.c +7
    M ./src/hattools/artutils.h +1
    M ./src/hattrans/HatTrans.hs -5 +5

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