[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): In all hat tools:

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 07:17:43 EDT 2006

Tue May 28 07:24:04 PDT 2002  malcolm
  * In all hat tools:
    * Replace the `verbose' option with three separate new options:
      uneval, stringSugar, and listSugar.
    * Do projections correctly.
    * Right-associative operators (e.g. :) are now correctly
      pretty-printed without extra parens.  (The decoding of L/R fixity
      from an Int was wrong in SExp).
  In hat-trail:
    * Fix the problem of textual overflow in the error/output panes.

    M ./src/hattools/HatObserve.hs -25 +50
    M ./src/hattools/HatTrail.hs -66 +104
    M ./src/hattools/Pattern.hs -3
    M ./src/hattools/SExp.hs -123 +74
    M ./src/hattools/TExp.hs -7
    M ./src/hattools/artutils.c -1 +2

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