[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Hat-trans: corrected numeric patterns (k and n+k).

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 07:18:36 EDT 2006

Fri Jun  7 09:20:47 PDT 2002  olaf
  * Hat-trans: corrected numeric patterns (k and n+k).
  Previously definitions such as
    f 1 True = ...
  were transformed incorrectly, the equality test with 1 was performed after matching True. Now the transformation adheres to left to right pattern matching.
  Previously n+k patterns did not work at all, because the n was incorrectly treated as a lambda bound variable.
  For definitions with numeric patterns the transformation produces pretty large code.
  Also slightly simplified output in general, in that all parent variables are simply named "p". Scoping assures that always the correct parent is used.

    M ./src/compiler98/AuxFile.hs -1 +5
    M ./src/compiler98/TraceTrans.hs -38 +200
    M ./src/hattrans/AuxFile.hs -1 +5
    M ./src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs -38 +200

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