[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Corrected portable transformation of strict data type definitions.

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 07:09:49 EDT 2006

Wed Oct 24 09:56:29 PDT 2001  olaf
  * Corrected portable transformation of strict data type definitions.
  Data types with ! annotations are now transformed into syntactically valid data types. However, the strictness semantics is nonetheless lost by the transformation.

    M ./src/compiler98/TraceTrans.hs -1 +2
    M ./src/hatlib/Hat.hs -48 +22
    M ./src/hatlib/hat-c.c -641 +402
    M ./src/hatlib/hat-c.h -187 +168
    M ./src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs -1 +2

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