[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Added type declarations, comments to many modules.

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 06:58:41 EDT 2006

Tue Jun 27 11:19:40 PDT 2000  olaf
  * Added type declarations, comments to many modules.
  Reformated parts to 80 characters/line.
  Changed module Flags to use a record instead of a tuple of tuples.
  (Unfortunately current nhc does not permit export of field names
  as selectors only, with data type abstract).

    M ./src/compiler98/Export.hs -45 +130
    M ./src/compiler98/Extract.hs -28 +75
    M ./src/compiler98/Flags.hs -191 +267
    M ./src/compiler98/Import.hs -33 +98
    M ./src/compiler98/ImportState.hs -20 +59
    M ./src/compiler98/Info.hs -49 +175
    M ./src/compiler98/IntState.hs -4 +43
    M ./src/compiler98/Main.hs -210 +619
    M ./src/compiler98/NT.hs -6 +23
    M ./src/compiler98/Need.hs -23 +124
    M ./src/compiler98/NeedLib.hs -11 +34
    M ./src/compiler98/PreImp.hs +39
    M ./src/compiler98/PreImport.hs -34 +126
    M ./src/compiler98/Reduce.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Rename.hs -30 +121
    M ./src/compiler98/RenameLib.hs -27 +120
    M ./src/compiler98/Syntax.hs -15 +21
    M ./src/compiler98/TypeLib.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/hattrans/Flags.hs -191 +267

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