[cvs-nhc98] patch applied (hat): Changed module and data type name Kind into IdKind so that the name Kind is free for type checking purposes. Added a few comments.

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 06:58:35 EDT 2006

Fri Jun 16 06:06:38 PDT 2000  olaf
  * Changed module and data type name Kind into IdKind so that the name Kind is free for type checking purposes. Added a few comments.

    M ./src/compiler98/Bind.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Case.hs -1 +5
    M ./src/compiler98/CaseLib.hs -3 +3
    M ./src/compiler98/DbgDataTrans.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/DbgId.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DbgReplaceConstr.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/DbgReplacePrelude.hs -3 +3
    M ./src/compiler98/DbgTrans.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/Derive.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveBinary.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveBounded.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveEnum.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveEq.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveEval.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveIx.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveOrd.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveRead.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveShow.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/DeriveXML.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/FSLib.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/FixSyntax.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Fixity.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/FreeVar.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/IExtract.hs -1 +1
    A ./src/compiler98/IdKind.hs
    M ./src/compiler98/ImportState.hs -5 +5
    M ./src/compiler98/Info.hs -4 +4
    M ./src/compiler98/IntState.hs -1 +1
    R ./src/compiler98/Kind.hs
    M ./src/compiler98/Lift.hs -2 +6
    M ./src/compiler98/Main.hs -1 +8
    M ./src/compiler98/Makefile -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Need.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/NeedLib.hs -26 +26
    M ./src/compiler98/Overlap.hs -7 +7
    M ./src/compiler98/PreImport.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/PrimCode.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Remove1_3.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Rename.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/RenameLib.hs -4 +4
    M ./src/compiler98/RmClasses.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/STGBuild.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/STGGcode.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/TokenInt.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/Type.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/TypeData.hs -2 +2
    M ./src/compiler98/TypeLib.hs -1 +1
    M ./src/compiler98/TypeUnify.hs -1 +1

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