[cvs-nhc98] cvs commit: hat/src/hattools Detect.hs EDT.hs HatDelta.hs HatDetect.hs

Thomas Davie tatd2 at kent.ac.uk
Thu Oct 27 09:56:39 EDT 2005

tatd2       2005/10/27 06:56:38 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/hattools         Detect.hs EDT.hs HatDelta.hs HatDetect.hs 
  hat-detect and hat-delta correctly identify cycling functions, and display appropriate messages.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +41 -1     hat/src/hattools/Detect.hs
  1.5       +16 -16    hat/src/hattools/EDT.hs
  1.9       +13 -35    hat/src/hattools/HatDelta.hs
  1.39      +11 -28    hat/src/hattools/HatDetect.hs

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