[cvs-nhc98] cvs commit: nhc98/src/compiler98 Export.hs Need.hs RenameLib.hs

Sven Panne panne at glass.cse.ogi.edu
Fri Jun 25 16:04:50 EDT 2004

panne       2004/06/25 13:04:50 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/compiler98       Export.hs Need.hs RenameLib.hs 
  hbc doesn't like imports/exports of records with "(blah)"
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/Export.hs
  1.28      +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/Need.hs
  1.30      +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/RenameLib.hs

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