[cvs-nhc98] cvs commit: nhc98/src/compiler98 Derive.hs Extra.hs Gcode.hs IExtract.hs Need.hs NeedLib.hs Parse2.hs ParseI.hs ParseLex.hs PreImp.hs Rename.hs STGGcode.hs TypeCtx.hs

olaf at glass.cse.ogi.edu olaf at glass.cse.ogi.edu
Wed Jul 28 09:10:01 EDT 2004

olaf        2004/07/28 06:10:01 PDT

  Modified files:
    src/compiler98       Derive.hs Extra.hs Gcode.hs IExtract.hs 
                         Need.hs NeedLib.hs Parse2.hs ParseI.hs 
                         ParseLex.hs PreImp.hs Rename.hs 
                         STGGcode.hs TypeCtx.hs 
  Made the type for source code positions in Extra, Pos, an abstract data type.
  This required changes of many type annotations where Pos and Int were confused.
  Also added some more type annotations.
  In Gcode the internal representation of Pos still appears.
  This is all the first step towards an extended Pos that contains line and column of both start (currently) and end (to do) of a syntactic construct.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.10      +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/Derive.hs
  1.11      +27 -9     nhc98/src/compiler98/Extra.hs
  1.6       +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/Gcode.hs
  1.19      +10 -10    nhc98/src/compiler98/IExtract.hs
  1.29      +2 -2      nhc98/src/compiler98/Need.hs
  1.9       +2 -0      nhc98/src/compiler98/NeedLib.hs
  1.22      +3 -0      nhc98/src/compiler98/Parse2.hs
  1.9       +3 -0      nhc98/src/compiler98/ParseI.hs
  1.10      +2 -0      nhc98/src/compiler98/ParseLex.hs
  1.5       +8 -7      nhc98/src/compiler98/PreImp.hs
  1.33      +2 -2      nhc98/src/compiler98/Rename.hs
  1.9       +6 -6      nhc98/src/compiler98/STGGcode.hs
  1.9       +1 -1      nhc98/src/compiler98/TypeCtx.hs

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