[cvs-nhc98] In all hat tools:

Malcolm Wallace malcolm@sparud.net
Tue, 28 May 2002 16:24:05 +0200 (CEST)

malcolm: Tue May 28 16:24:05 CEST 2002

Update of /usr/src/master/nhc/src/hat/tools
In directory hinken:/tmp/cvs-serv4057

Modified Files:
	HatObserve.hs HatTrail.hs Pattern.hs SExp.hs TExp.hs 
Log Message:
In all hat tools:
  * Replace the `verbose' option with three separate new options:
    uneval, stringSugar, and listSugar.
  * Do projections correctly.
  * Right-associative operators (e.g. :) are now correctly
    pretty-printed without extra parens.  (The decoding of L/R fixity
    from an Int was wrong in SExp).

In hat-trail:
  * Fix the problem of textual overflow in the error/output panes.