[cvs-nhc98] Do `extractExp' on field update expressions, to ensure tha

Malcolm Wallace malcolm@sparud.net
Tue, 21 May 2002 13:08:23 +0200 (CEST)

malcolm: Tue May 21 13:08:23 CEST 2002

Update of /usr/src/master/nhc/src/compiler98
In directory hinken:/tmp/cvs-serv1672/src/compiler98

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Do `extractExp' on field update expressions, to ensure that local
let-expressions get their arity recorded.  This avoids a compiler
failure later on.

Test case that previously broke the compiler:
    module Apa where
      data A = A{ field :: Bool }
      apa = A{ field = let s = False in s }