[cvs-nhc98] commit
Malcolm Wallace
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 18:07:53 +0100 (CET)
malcolm: Wed Nov 22 18:07:53 CET 2000
nhc/src/prelude/Prelude Prelude.hs
Update of /usr/src/master/nhc/src/prelude/Prelude
In directory hinken:/tmp/cvs-serv1093/src/prelude/Prelude
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Introduce a big change in the way file-I/O is treated, permitting us to
*trace* file-I/O for the first time:
(1) Library IO now uses a ForeignObj as a Handle instead of an opaque type.
(2) Completely re-implement all file-I/O functions using foreign imports
instead of primitives.
(3) Fix some qualified naming errors:
Prelude.Handle -> IO.Handle
Prelude.stdin -> IO.stdin etc