Hugs' build system

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Sun Feb 25 12:12:44 EST 2007

Ross Paterson <ross at> writes:

> >    * I think that Hugs should finally be moved to darcs instead of CVS
> No objection, but I think it takes a bit of extra effort to make the
> history look nice, e.g. check

This is just a matter of which options you give to 'tailor', the
conversion utility.  In particular, you can tell it to use the first
line of the CVS commit message as the name of the darcs patch, with the
remaining lines from CVS as the "long" message in darcs.

The main non-automated issue when converting is the need to create/steal
a darcs-all script, and maybe a utility to fix executable permissions
for fresh checkouts.


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