cvs commit: hugs98/src iomonad.c hugs98/libraries/hugsbase/Hugs IO.hs IOExts.hs Prelude.hs

Ross Paterson ross at
Wed May 3 05:10:40 EDT 2006

ross        2006/05/03 02:10:40 PDT

  Modified files:
    src                  iomonad.c 
    libraries/hugsbase/Hugs IO.hs IOExts.hs Prelude.hs 
  Re-organization of I/O primitives.
  The Prelude versions are now defined in terms of the Handle versions,
  which makes Hugs.Prelude slightly larger but removes several primitives.
  User-visible changes are:
  * hugsIsEOF and hugsHIsEOF are gone.
  * writeFile and appendFile are now defined using the equivalent of
    Control.Exception.bracket, so the handle is closed if an exception
    occurs while writing.
  It's no longer possible to turn IO_HANDLES off (if it was before).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.101     +7 -169    hugs98/src/iomonad.c
  1.3       +3 -28     hugs98/libraries/hugsbase/Hugs/IO.hs
  1.3       +15 -18    hugs98/libraries/hugsbase/Hugs/IOExts.hs
  1.4       +57 -15    hugs98/libraries/hugsbase/Hugs/Prelude.hs

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