WinHugs and Unicode

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Fri Sep 16 11:58:03 EDT 2005


In Windows both the WinHugs "fake" console and the standard console
are already unicode compliant on NT/2K/XP and have wrapper functions
such as wprintf which are unicode and tprintf which is either ASCII or
Unicode depending on some #define's.

How does Hugs deal with unicode, i.e. are the filenames etc. stored by
the program as unicode, or is it just the Haskell elements that are

Attatched is a patch which includes the unicode compliant header along
with commented out definitions for unicode in WinHugs. If you
uncomment those definitions it will not work, but then I can work on
converting files one by one and when they are all done hopefully a
Unicode enabled Hugs on windows will result :)

This process should not alter the non unicode code paths at all, 
beause of various defines in Windows.


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